Map showing the near-surface air temperature differences from the 1981-2010 average for January to September 2021. Data are from the ERA5 reanalysis product. Graphic: C3S / ECMWF

State of the Climate in 2021: Past seven years are on track to be the seven warmest on record – “Extreme events are the new norm”

GENEVA, 31 October 2021 (WMO) – Record atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and associated accumulated heat have propelled the planet into uncharted territory, with far-reaching repercussions for current and future generations, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The past seven years are on track to be the seven warmest on record, according to the provisional WMO […]

Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, 1959-2021. Global CO2 emissions bounced back after COVID-19 restrictions and reached pre-pandemic levels in 2021. Graph: Global Carbon Project

Global carbon emissions rebound to pre-pandemic levels after unprecedented drop in 2020 – “The fast recovery in CO2 emissions, following last year’s sharp drop, should come as no surprise”

By Pep Canadell, Corinne Le Quéré, Glen Peters, Pierre Friedlingstein, Robbie Andrew, and Rob Jackson 3 November 2021 (The Conversation) – Global carbon dioxide emissions have bounced back after COVID-19 restrictions and are likely to reach close to pre-pandemic levels this year, our analysis released today has found. The troubling finding comes as the COP26 climate talks […]

Aerial view of deforestation in Labrea in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest in September 2021. Photo: Victor Moriyama / Amazônia em Chama / Greenpace Disclosure

Amazon deforestation soars to 15-year high – “This is not surprising. The result of pulling apart Brazil’s environmental policy is deforestation.”

By Manuela Andreoni 19 November 2021 RIO DE JANEIRO (The New York Times) – Brazil’s pledge this month to end illegal deforestation in eight years drew much praise from global leaders, but an official report this week cast doubt on that commitment after it showed that the rate of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest was at its […]

Satellite view showing plumes of potent greenhouse gas methane leaking from a gas pipeline in Kazakhstan, captured by the European Sentinel 2 and Sentinel 5P satellites. Photo: Copernicus

Satellites discover huge, undeclared methane emissions – “These are large emissions, and we see a lot of them on the global scale, much more than we had expected”

By Tereza Pultarova 16 November 2021 ( – Huge amounts of uncounted emissions of highly warming greenhouse gas methane are being released by “super-emitters” all over the world, satellite observations reveal. Scientists have only recently worked out how to detect methane emissions from space, but what they have seen since has taken them by surprise. […]

Sateliite data showing the 2021 Antarctic ozone hole, which reached its maximum area on 7 October 2021 and ranked as the 13th-largest such feature since 1979. This view, from a NASA video, shows its current extent based on satellite data. Data: Paul Newman and Eric Nash / NASA / Ozone Watch. Graphic: Joshua Stevens

Video: Larger-than-average ozone hole over Antarctica in 2021 – Ozone layer recovery slower than anticipated, will be no earlier than 2070

By Elizabeth Howell 5 November 2021 ( – A new NASA video highlights the giant ozone hole that opened over Antarctica this year. A cold Southern Hemisphere winter, and possible effects of global warming, have caused the hole to grow to its 13th-largest extent since 1979. The ozone depletion you see in the NASA video is monitored by three […]

Satellite view of Lake Tuz in Turkey acquired on 23 October 2021. Lake Tuz is Turkey's second-largest lake and home to several bird species. During the summer of 2021, the lake completely dried up causing the death of thousands of flamingos and other bird species that inhabit the lake. Experts attribute the extreme drought in eastern Turkey to climate change. Photo: European Union / Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery

Haunting satellite imagery shows Turkey’s second-largest lake has dried up

By Molly Taft 2 November 2021 (Gizmodo) – A new satellite image of Turkey’s Lake Tuz is gorgeous—and, if you know more about what it’s portraying, worrying. The stunning capture from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 satellite shows Turkey’s second-largest lake has completely dried up this year, exposing a haunting expanse of salt. While Lake Tuz, one of the world’s largest saltwater lakes, […]

Total Annual CO2-e emissions in Australia during the Labor and Liberal governments. Photo: The Juice Media

Honest Government Ad: COP26 Climate Summit – “Fuck you: we’ll keep digging, burning and exporting fossil fuels, let you to do the hard work, and then take all the credit”

27 October 2021 (The Juice Media) – I’m from the Australien Government with a message for the world as we gather in Glasgow for this crucial climate summit: Fuck you. Over the coming days our Prime Marketer will be there trying to shake a lot of hands and saying a lot of blah blah blah […]

Aerial view of JERA's Hekinan thermal coal power station in Hekinan, central Japan on 18 October 2021. Picture taken October 18, 2021. Photo: Yuka Obayashi / REUTERS

COP26 aims to banish coal. Asia is building hundreds of power plants to burn it – “You can have the cake of coal and an icing of solar”

By Sudarshan Varadhan and Aaron Sheldrick31 October 2021 UDANGUDI, India/TOKYO (Reuters) – On the coastline near India’s southern tip, workers toil on a pier carrying a conveyor belt that cuts a mile into the Indian Ocean where the azure waters are deep enough for ships to berth and unload huge cargoes of coal. The belt […]

A bumblebee in flight approaches a flower. Photo: Michael Durham / Minden Pictures / Getty Images

The American bumblebee has vanished from eight states – Bee population has plummeted by 89 percent over past 20 years – “Endangered species” listing could be imminent

By Elizabeth Gamillo 6 October 2021 (Smithsonian) – The American bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus)—once abundant and found lazily floating around in grasslands, open prairies, and some urban areas throughout the United States—now face a rapidly declining population. According to a proposed rule released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the species’ population has dropped nearly 90 percent […]

Global Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) capacity, 2010-2020. Twenty years ago, the fossil fuel industry told you that by today, CCS would capture 5,000 million tons of CO2 per year. Today, the world can barely capture 10. Which is so far off target you can’t even see it on this graph. And when you remember that our global emissions are 36 BILLION tonnes each year, even if it had met its target, it would contribute approximately FUCK ALL. Data: IEA. Graphic: The Juice Media

Honest Government Ad: Carbon Capture and Storage – “CCS is a complex mining process whereby fossil fuel companies inject donations into the arseholes of politicians to delay climate action”

1 September 2021 (The Juice Media) – Hello, I’m from the Australien Government with an important announcement as we enter the next stage of the climate crisis: MASSIVE FIRES, MASSIVE FLOODS, MASSIVE BULLSHIT. As things fall apart and calls grow for us to urgently reduce our emissions we’ve come up with a PR campaign – […]

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