Global Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) capacity, 2010-2020. Twenty years ago, the fossil fuel industry told you that by today, CCS would capture 5,000 million tons of CO2 per year. Today, the world can barely capture 10. Which is so far off target you can’t even see it on this graph. And when you remember that our global emissions are 36 BILLION tonnes each year, even if it had met its target, it would contribute approximately FUCK ALL. Data: IEA. Graphic: The Juice Media
Global Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) capacity, 2010-2020. Twenty years ago, the fossil fuel industry told you that by today, CCS would capture 5,000 million tons of CO2 per year. Today, the world can barely capture 10. Which is so far off target you can’t even see it on this graph. And when you remember that our global emissions are 36 billion tons each year, even if it had met its target, it would contribute approximately FUCK ALL. Data: IEA. Graphic: The Juice Media

1 September 2021 (The Juice Media) – Hello, I’m from the Australien Government with an important announcement as we enter the next stage of the climate crisis: MASSIVE FIRES, MASSIVE FLOODS, MASSIVE BULLSHIT.

As things fall apart and calls grow for us to urgently reduce our emissions we’ve come up with a PR campaign – I mean, “technology” – that makes us look like climate heroes whilst doing sweet nada. Introducing Carbon Capture and Storage!

Carbon Capture and Storage, or CCS, is a complex mining process whereby fossil fuel companies inject donations into the arseholes of politicians to delay climate action and let them keep making the ching-ching.

Twenty years ago, the fossil fuel industry told you that by today, CCS would capture 5,000 million tons of CO2 per year. Today, the world can barely capture 10. Which is so far off target you can’t even see it on this graph. And when you remember that our global emissions are 36 billion tons each year, even if had met its target, it would contribute approximately FUCK ALL.

The Juice Media, Honest Government Ad: Carbon Capture and Storage

CCS entails two key stages: Capture and Storage. In the Capture phase, also known as State Capture, fossil fuel interests infiltrate your government at every level so that we’ll ignore scientists and keep roving new coal and gas projects.

But don’t worry, in the Storage phase we pay those fossil fuel companies billions of dollars to bury their emissions underground.

Does it work? Absolutely!

The Australien Government has made an ad about Carbon Capture and Storage, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. Video: The Juice Media

Those companies store the billions of dollars deep, deep down in their bank accounts where no tax officer can reach them.

What’s that, do they store the carbon? Yeh nah.

CCS has missed every single target we’ve set for it

Let’s take a look! [more]

Honest Government Ad: Carbon Capture and Storage