The distribution of threatened tree species, Critically Endangered, Endangered, or Vulnerable (CR, EN, and VU), in Europe. Data: European Red List of trees 2019. Graphic: IUCN

More than half of Europe’s endemic trees face extinction – “This report shows how dire the situation is for many overlooked, undervalued species that form the backbone of Europe’s ecosystems”

GLAND, Switzerland, 27 September 2019 (IUCN) – Over half (58 percent) of Europe’s endemic trees are threatened with extinction, according to assessments of the state of the continent’s biodiversity published today by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The introduction of invasive species, unsustainable logging and urban development are key threats causing the […]

Storm King dam near Stanthorpe in regional Queensland used to be a popular swimming spot, but there is hardly any water left now. Photo: William West / AFP Photo

“Day Zero” looms in Australian Outback as climate change bites – “It’s that core of the country, where mum and dad and the kids work together, they’re the ones that are going to be pulled down”

By Holly Robertson 19 September 2019 Stanthorpe (Australia) (AFP) – An unprecedented water shortage in drought-stricken eastern Australia is driving home the brutal realities of climate change and threatening the much-mythologised Outback way of life. From sunny Queensland all the way to Sydney, more than a dozen small towns are facing their own “Day Zero” […]

Paul J. Ferraro, PhD (Cornell University), is the Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Business and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Photo: Will Kirk / Johns Hopkins University

Why effective climate change solutions remain so elusive – “When there is this asymmetry in costs and benefits, our behaviors don’t change”

By Saralyn Cruickshank 26 September 2019 (The Johns Hopkins University Hub) – Johns Hopkins Professor Paul Ferraro has spent a lot of time thinking about climate change, and he’s uncovered a major barrier to combating the rise in global temperatures: the human psyche. “The problem is that what we need to achieve is so daunting and taxes […]

A montage of photos that were submitted to the Environmental Photographer of the Year 2019 award. “Journey by Launch” by Azim Khan Ronnie; “Polluted New Year” by Eliud Gil Samaniego, “Remains of the Forest” by J Henry Fair, “Tuvalu Beneath the Rising Tide” by Sean Gallagher, “My Climate Future” by Souray Karmakar, “Looking Beyond What is There” by Graham Earnshaw, “Where the City Ends and the Ships Begin” by Azim Khan Ronnie, and “Tuvalu Beneath the Rising Tide” by Sean Gallagher (second entry). Photo: CIWEM

Photo gallery: Striking images from the 2019 Environmental Photographer of the Year competition – “Climate change is the defining issue of our time and now is the time to act”

23 September 2019 (CIWEM) – The CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year exposes the terrible impacts being wrought on our planet by humans, but also celebrates humanity’s innate ability to survive and innovate, lending hope to us all that we can overcome challenges to live sustainably. [See all of the submissions: Environmental Photographer of the […]

Map showing 2015–2019 five-year average temperature anomalies relative to the 1981-2010 average. Data: NASA GISTEMP v4. through June 2019. Graphic: WMO

Landmark “United in Science” report brings together world’s leading climate science organizations

NEW YORK, 22 September 2019 (WMO) – The world’s leading climate science organizations have joined forces to produce a landmark new report  [pdf] for the United Nations Climate Action Summit, underlining the glaring – and growing – gap between agreed targets to tackle global warming and the actual reality. The report, United in Science, includes details on the […]

Satellite view of Humboldt glacier Venezuela in 1985, 2008, and 2019. Photo: Maxar Technologies

Hardy scientists trek to Venezuela’s last glacier amid chaos – “More than 50 million people in South America rely on water provision from the Andes”

By Christina Larson and Federica Narancio 24 September 2019 MERIDA, Venezuela (AP) – Blackouts shut off the refrigerators where the scientists keep their lab samples. Gas shortages mean they sometimes have to work from home. They even reuse sheets of paper to record field data because fresh supplies are so scarce. As their country falls […]

Map showing fires around Paradise, California during the Camp Fire on Thursday, 8 November 2018. Although the main body of fire was massed to the east of Paradise, embers created spot fires elsewhere. Graphic: Deer Creek Resources / Google Earth

California utility cuts off power to thousands amid wildfire threat – “Humidity levels are dropping, and winds are picking up”

SAN FRANCISCO, 24 September 2019 (AP) – Thousands of people in Northern California woke up Tuesday without electricity after Pacific Gas & Electric cut power to try to prevent wildfires amid windy, dry and hot conditions. PG&E cut electrical service to 24,000 customers in three counties in the Sierra Nevada foothills Monday evening, saying power […]

Satellite view of the Valdecañas Reservoir in Spain, on 24 July 2013 and 25 July 2019. The record heatwave and extreme drought of 2019 revealed the lost “Spanish Stonehenge”, the Dolmen of Guadalperal. Photo: Lauren Dauphin / NASA Earth Observatory

Record heatwave and extreme drought reveal lost “Spanish Stonehenge”

By Kasha Patel 19 September 2019 (NASA) – In 1963, the Spanish government under Francisco Franco built the Valdecañas Reservoir in order to bring water and electricity to underdeveloped parts of western Spain. However, the creation of the reservoir flooded some inhabited areas as well as large stone (megalithic) monuments. After fifty years underwater, one […]

Logo for the Republican Climate Resolution. Graphic: CCL

Republican Climate Resolution: “If left unaddressed, the consequences of a changing climate have the potential to adversely impact all Americans”

24 September 2019 (Desdemona Despair) – After yesterday’s sad display by the governments of the U.S., Australia, and Canada at the U.N. Climate Action Summit 2019, it’s good to remember that not all U.S. Republicans are antiscience fanatics. Here’s the text of the Republican Climate Resolution (H.Res.195 Expressing the commitment of the House of Representatives […]

While speaking at the United Nations on 23 September 2019, climate activist Greta Thunberg delivered an impassioned speech during the Climate Action Summit 2019, where she spoke about the dangers of climate change. “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” climate activist Greta Thunberg has told world leaders, accusing them of ignoring the science behind the climate crisis: “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth - how dare you?” Photo: United Nations / NBC News

Climate activist Greta Thunberg condemns world leaders in emotional speech at UN – “The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you.”

By Oliver Milman 23 September 2019 UNITED NATIONS (The Guardian) – Greta Thunberg has excoriated world leaders for their “betrayal” of young people through their inertia over the climate crisis at a United Nations summit that failed to deliver ambitious new commitments to address dangerous global heating. In a stinging speech on Monday, the teenage […]

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