Atmospheric CO2 concentrations, 2014-2019 and projected through 2020. Forecast (red) CO2 concentrations at the Mauna Loa observatory, with previous forecasts (blue) are compared to observations (black). The forecast uncertainty range (orange) based on the SST forecast is ± 2 standard deviations. Graphic: Met Office

Australia bushfires contribute to big rise in global CO₂ levels in 2020

By Grahame Madge 24 January 2020 (Met Office) – A forecast of the atmospheric concentration of carbon-dioxide shows that 2020 will witness one of the largest annual rises in concentration since measurements began at Mauna Loa, in Hawaii, 1958. During the year the atmospheric concentration of CO₂ is expected to peak above 417 parts per […]

Winter rainfall in eastern Australia, 1900–2019. The unprecedented lack of winter rains in 2017, 2018, and 2019, and Australia’s hottest summer on record, contributed to the extreme drought that affected 100 percent of New South Wales and 67.4 percent of Queensland in 2019 and 2020. Graphic: Bureau of Meteorology

Some say we’ve seen bushfires worse than this before. But they’re ignoring a few key facts.

By Joelle Gergis and Geoff Cary 13 January 2020 (The Conversation) – Every time a weather extreme occurs, some people quickly jump in to say we’ve been through it all before: that worse events have happened in the past, or it’s just part of natural climate variability. The recent bushfire crisis is a case in point. […]

Aerial views showing Australia landscape before and after the megafires of 2019 and 2020. Photo: Nearmap

Australia bushfires from the air: before and after images show scale of devastation

By Naaman Zhou 16 January 2020 (The Guardian) – More than 10.7m hectares of land have burnt so far in Australia’s bushfires – larger than the total area of South Korea, or Portugal, and 1.3 times the size of Scotland. The ongoing and unprecedented bushfire crisis has spread across six states and multiple months. In New South Wales alone, the […]

Satellite photography and UV aerosol index showing smoke from the Australia bushfires being transported across the Atlantic Ocean from 27 December 2019 to 8 Kanuary 2020. Graphic: Colin Seftor / NASA

Australia fire smoke will complete a full circuit of Earth, NASA says

14 January 2020 (BBC News) – Smoke from the massive bushfires in Australia will soon circle the Earth back to the nation, says NASA. Massive infernos have raged along the nation’s east coast for months, pushing smoke across the Pacific. NASA said plumes from blazes around New Year’s Day had crossed South America, turning skies […]

A boy cradles the body of dead endangered Brush-tailed rock-wallaby, found near a muddy puddle of water after a bushfire in Gosford, New South Wales, Australia, on 6 January 2020. The boy asked his father, Tim Faulkner, “They’re all dying aren’t they Dad?” Faulkner told him it was his job to save the world. Photo: Tim Faulkner / Facebook

Estimated number of animals killed in Australia bushfires rises to more than one billion – “Events like this may well hasten the extinction process for a range of species”

8 January 2020 (University of Sydney) – Professor Chris Dickman has revised his estimate of the number of animals killed in bushfires in NSW to more than 800 million animals, with a national impact of more than one billion animals. Several weeks ago Professor Dickman, from the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Science, estimated that 480 […]

As many fires are still burning in Australia, a regular GLOBE Observer (Glenn Evans in Coogee, New South Wales, about 10 km/6 miles southeast of Sydney), has been taking consistent clouds observations from the same location over the last few weeks, sometimes multiple observations on the same day. In this short video, you can see a compilation of their ground observations in December 2019, facing west and south alongside satellite imagery from the same day taken by the MODIS instrument on the Aqua satellite. Notice the sky coloration when heavy smoke plumes are visible in the satellite image, as well as the days when there is both haze and other types of clouds in the sky. Video: NASA GLOBE Observer

A megafire measuring 1.5 million acres forms in Australia as bushfires merge – “It is too late to leave”

By Andrew Freedman 10 January 2020 (The Washington Post) – Australia’s bushfire crisis worsened Thursday night into Friday as hot, dry and windy conditions redeveloped across the country’s hard-hit southeast, causing two large blazes to merge into one. The new “megafire” measures about 1.5 million acres, about the size of the state of Delaware or […]

Worldwide natural catastrophe loss events in 2019. Tropical cyclones, extreme storms, and floods caused overall losses of $150 billion. Video: Munich RE

Tropical cyclones causing billions in losses dominated the natural catastrophe picture of 2019 – “Cyclones are becoming more frequently associated with extreme precipitation”

8 January 2020 (Munich RE) – 820 natural catastrophes caused overall losses of US$ 150bn, which is broadly in line with the inflation-adjusted average of the past 30 years. A smaller portion of losses was insured compared with 2018: about US$ 52bn. This was due, among other things, to the high share of flood losses, which are […]

The “Devil face” seen in smoke from the east Gippsland bushfire in New South Wales, Australia, 3 January 2020. Photo: Channel 7 News Melbourne

We are seeing the very worst of our scientific predictions come to pass in these bushfires – “The thing that really terrifies me is that weather conditions considered extreme by today’s standards will seem sedate in the future”

By Joëlle Gergis 2 January 2020 (The Guardian) – I had goosebumps watching surreal footage of the mass evacuation of people stranded on the south-east Australian coast. Once again, catastrophic bushfire conditions are bearing down on communities during increasingly horrific summers in Australia. It has been an unprecedented continuation of the horrendous bushfires that started […]

Glaciers in New Zealand have turned a caramel colour from bushfire ash blown across from Australia, 1 January 2020. Photo: Fabulousmonster @Rachelhatesit / Twitter

New Zealand glaciers turn brown from Australian bushfires’ smoke, ash and dust – May increase glacier melt in 2020 by 30 percent

By Eleanor Ainge Roy 1 January 2020 WANAKA (The Guardian) – Snow and glaciers in New Zealand have turned brown after being exposed to dust from the Australian bushfires, with one expert saying the incident could increase glacier melt this season by as much as 30 percent. On Wednesday many parts of the South Island woke […]

Global surface temperature anomalies, 1880-2019, compared with the 1880-1899 average. The year 2019 was the second warmest year on record, capping the warmest decade since measurements began. Data: Gavin Schmidt / NASA GISTEMP. Graphic: InsideClimate

2010-2019: Earth’s hottest decade on record marked by extreme storms, deadly wildfires – “The climate of the 20th Century is gone. We’re in a new neighborhood.”

By Bob Berwyn 19 December 2019 (InsideClimate News) – Deadly heat waves, wildfires and widespread flooding punctuated a decade of climate extremes that, by many scientific accounts, show global warming kicking into overdrive. As the year drew to a close, scientists were confidently saying 2019 was Earth’s second-warmest recorded year on record, capping the warmest […]

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