Cars block a street during a protest against a rise in gasoline prices, in the central city of Isfahan, Iran, Saturday, 16 November 2019. Demonstrators angered by a 50 percent increase in government-set gasoline prices blocked traffic in major cities and occasionally clashed with police Saturday after a night of demonstrations punctuated by gunfire. Photo: AP Photo

Protests grip major Iran cities over gas prices – Internet access sees disruptions and outages – “The ongoing disruption is the most severe disconnection tracked in any country in terms of its technical complexity and breadth”

By Jon Gambrell 16 November 2019 DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) – Protesters angered by Iran raising government-set gasoline prices by 50 percent blocked traffic in major cities and occasionally clashed with police Saturday after a night of demonstrations punctuated by gunfire, in violence that reportedly killed at least one person. The protests put renewed […]

Shell’s “cracker” plant under construction in Pennsylvania. Photo: Keith Srakocic / AP

Will a push for plastics turn Appalachia into next “Cancer Alley”? – “It’s so obvious that they are trying to lock us into fossil fuels”

By Emily Holden 11 October 2019 MONACA, Pennsylvania (The Guardian) – Construction cranes climb into the sky and sprawl across the massive petrochemical facility that will turn a byproduct of fracked gas into plastic on the banks of the Ohio River, just outside Pittsburgh. Even at a distance, from the car park of a cancer […]

Clip from BP’s “Energy Illustrated” web series. Graphic: Spencer Dale / BP

BP chief economist to youth conference: “The haves must remember the have nots”

By Spencer Dale 23 October 2019 LONDON (BP) – It’s a great pleasure to be here this morning. One Young World is a big deal in BP. As you just heard, Bob Dudley is a massive fan. And many friends and colleagues have been delegates in the past and raved about it. So I’ve heard […]

Greta Thunberg speaks to climate protesters in front of the Alberta Legislature Building, 18 October 2019. Photo: D. Chidley / Picture Alliance

Greta Thunberg calls for climate action in Canada’s oil heartland – “We’re doing this because our future is at stake”

19 October 2019 (DW) – Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg joined thousands of protesters marching in Alberta, Canada’s energy heartland, on Friday as a smaller counterrally of oil and gas workers converged on the provincial capital, Edmonton. While Thunberg steered clear of making any direct criticism of Alberta’s oil sands or of commenting explicitly on […]

Total fossil fuel financing by investment banks in 2016, 2017, and 2018. The financing has been led by the Wall Street giant JPMorgan Chase, which has provided $75 billion (£61 billion) to companies expanding in sectors such as fracking and Arctic oil and gas exploration. Graphic: RAN

Top investment banks provide $713 billion to expand fossil fuel industry since Paris climate change agreement – “We can all sit around pointing fingers at each other, but that doesn’t help solve what is a really complex and multifaceted problem”

By Patrick Greenfield 13 October 2019 (The Guardian) – The world’s largest investment banks have provided more than $700 billion of financing for the fossil fuel companies most aggressively expanding in new coal, oil and gas projects since the Paris climate change agreement, figures show. The financing has been led by the Wall Street giant […]

The top 20 companies that have contributed to 480 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent since 1965. At the top is Saudi Aramco, followed by Chevron, Gazprom, and Exxon Mobil. Data: Richard Heede / Climate Accountability Institute. Graphic: The Guardian

Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions – “The great tragedy of the climate crisis is that seven and a half billion people must pay the price so that a couple of dozen polluting interests can continue to make record profits”

By Matthew Taylor and Jonathan Watts 9 October 2019 (The Guardian) – The Guardian today reveals the 20 fossil fuel companies whose relentless exploitation of the world’s oil, gas and coal reserves can be directly linked to more than one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the modern era. New data from world-renowned researchers [Climate […]

People block a road amid clashes with soldiers in Lasso, Ecuador, during protests after Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno’s government ended four-decade-old fuel subsidies, 6 October 2019. Photo: Carlos Garcia Rawlins / REUTERS

Ecuador declares state of emergency as fuel protesters battle police

By Alexandra Valencia 6 October 2019 QUITO (Reuters) – Ecuadorean authorities began arresting shopkeepers for raising food prices as indigenous groups clashed with security forces on Sunday in a fourth day of protests against President Lenin Moreno’s austerity measures. One man died in central Azuay province when roadblocks blocked an ambulance from reaching him after […]

Screenshot from drone video of a fracked gas well blowout at wells operated by GEP Haynesville, LLC, in Red River Parish, Louisiana, on 1 October 2019. According to Patrick Courreges with LDNR, the well heads have been initially capped and the flow redirected through piping to flare pits to contain the produced water and keep the heat away from the wellheads where workers are trying to kill the wells at surface. Photo: Phin Percy Jr.

Already burning for five weeks, fracked gas blowout in Louisiana could last two more months

By Julie Dermansky 4 October 2019 (DeSmog) – For the fifth week since the blowout began, a large flare is still burning at the site of GEP Haynesville, LLC’s blown out fracked gas wells in northwestern Louisiana. The blowout occurred on 30 August 2019, shortly after the company began a frack job, igniting two adjacent wells. A state official estimated […]

Historical U.S. election industry spending, Energy vs. Environment, 1990-2019, showing contributions to candidate campaigns, party committees, and outside groups (1990-2018 federal election cycles). Graphic: Center for Responsive Politics

Fossil fuel industry continues to dwarf environmental groups in election-related spending – Industry gives millions to Trump Victory and Trump Make America Great Again Committee

By Yue Stella Yu 24 September 2019 (Center for Responsive Politics) – Following a global climate strike over the weekend, climate activists in Washington, D.C., raged on and flooded the district Monday as the United Nations Climate Action Summit took place in New York. Participating groups issued several demands, including the passage of the Green New Deal, the […]

Eni Norge’s “Goliat” FPSO arrives in Hammerfest, Norway, on 17 April 2015, from South Korea after a 63-day voyage covering 15,608 nautical miles. When the “Goliat” came on stream later in 2016, it was the world’s northernmost producing offshore oil field. Photo: Fredrik Refvem / Stavanger Aftenblad

Cowboy Nation: Norway’s Wild West fantasy – “It’s your misfortune and none of my own”

By Henrik Olav Mathiesen 11 September 2019 (The Dark Mountain Project) – Equinor is the publicly owned Norwegian company firmly intent upon wreaking havoc on the world for as long as possible. Off our own shores – and far beyond. In 2017, the company won the bid for two licences to drill offshore in the […]

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