Trend in October rainfall at Victoria Falls 1064 m elevation, 1976-2016. Graphic: Kaitano Dube

Drought, heat, and Victoria Falls: The spectre of hot drought

By Bob Henson 11 December 2019 (Weather Underground) – The massive curtain of water in southern Africa between Zambia and Zimbabwe known as Victoria Falls is the world’s biggest waterfall sequence when you take into account both width and height. Often ranked as one of the seven wonders of the natural world, the falls are a prime […]

Aerial view of the Kasulo neighborhood of Kolwezi, DRC. In the first picture, taken May 2016, there are just residential houses. By May 2019, Congo DongFang International Mining (a subsidiary of chinese company Huayou Cobalt) have built a mining site, with a walled perimeter and processing buildings (in blue). The pink tarps cover tunnels used for mining. Photo: CNES / Airbus DS / Earthrise / The Guardian

Apple and Google named in U.S. lawsuit over Congolese child cobalt mining deaths

By Annie Kelly 16 December 2019 (The Guardian) – A landmark legal case has been launched against the world’s largest tech companies by Congolese families who say their children were killed or maimed while mining for cobalt used to power smartphones, laptops and electric cars, the Guardian can reveal. Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft, and Tesla […]

Hansen, et al. (1988) projections compared with observations on a temperature vs. time basis (top) and temperature vs. external forcing (bottom). Graphic: Hausfather, et al., 2019 / Geophysical Research Letters

Early climate modelers got global warming right, new report finds – “The warming we have experienced is pretty much exactly what climate models predicted it would be as much as 30 years ago”

By Robert Sanders 4 December 2019 (Berkeley News) – Climate skeptics have long raised doubts about the accuracy of computer models that predict global warming, but it turns out that most of the early climate models were spot-on, according to a look-back by climate scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology […]

Extinction Rebellion activists wear nooses around their necks in protest outside of the COP25 climate talks congress in Madrid, Spain, Saturday, 14 December 2019. The marathon international climate talks ended with no agreement on carbon markets. Photo: Manu Fernandez / AP Photo

Longest UN climate talks end with no deal on carbon markets – “Regressive governments put profit over the planetary crisis and the future of generations to come”

By Frank Jordans and Aritz Parra 15 December 2019 MADRID (AP) – Marathon international climate talks ended Sunday with major polluters resisting calls to ramp up efforts to keep global warming at bay and negotiators postponing the regulation of global carbon markets until next year. Those failures came even after organizers added two more days […]

Alaska’s Columbia glacier began rapidly retreating around 1980, and its leading edge has moved more than 20 kilometers inland. These images, captured by the joint NASA / U.S. Geological Survey Landsat satellites, were stitched together into a video to show the glacier’s dynamic evolution from 1972 to 2019. Video: Mark Fahnestock / University of Alaska Fairbanks

Video: 47 years of satellite images show retreat of Alaskan’s Columbia glacier

By Carolyn Gramling 10 December 2019 SAN FRANCISCO (Science News) – A mesmerizing new series of images shows the retreat of Alaska’s Columbia glacier over the last 47 years in gorgeous, excruciating detail. The images were presented December 10 at the American Geophysical Union’s annual meeting. Landsat satellites operated by NASA and the U.S. Geological […]

Environmental activists rally outside of New York Supreme Court in October 2019 in Manhattan, on the first day of the trial accusing ExxonMobil of misleading shareholders about its climate change accounting. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Exxon wins New York climate change fraud case

By Laurel Wamsley 10 December 2019 (NPR) – A judge has handed Exxon Mobil a victory in only the second climate change lawsuit to reach trial in the United States. The decision was a blow for the New York Attorney General’s Office, which brought the case. Justice Barry Ostrager of the New York State Supreme […]

Micrographs showing microplastic particles embedded within a marine organism: (a) fluorescent PET MFs (23 × 100 μm) at 515–560 nm excitation; (b) fluorescent PP MF (28 × 100 μm) at 450–490 nm excitation; (c) fluorescent Nylon MFs (10 × 40 μm; yellow arrows) in the intestinal tract of a 50 h.p.f. brine shrimp (Artemia sp.), with 515–560 nm fluorescent excitation. Images taken at x25–200 magnification (Zeiss Observer Z1; AxioVision LE). Photo: Cole, 2016 / Scientific Reports

Microplastics are a million times more abundant in the ocean than previously thought

By MacKenzie Elmer 3 December 2019 (UCSD News Center) – Nothing seems safe from plastic contamination. It is pulled from the nostrils of sea turtles, found in Antarctic waters and buried in the fossil record. But a new study by researchers from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego suggests there could […]

Greenland ice thickness loss, 1993-2019. Graphic: IMBIE / CPOM / Leeds University

Greenland losing ice seven times faster than in the 1990s – Sea level rise from Greenland melt tracking highest climate projections

10 December 2019 (Utrecht University) – Greenland is losing ice seven times faster than in the 1990s and is tracking the IPCC’s high-end climate warming scenario, which would see 40 million more people exposed to coastal flooding by 2100. The findings, published in Nature today, show that Greenland has lost 3.8 trillion tonnes of ice […]

Sunset at Hillary’s Boat Harbour, Perth, 12 December 2019. Perth experienced several more days of near 40C temperatures in December 2019. Photo: Andrew O’Connor / ABC News

Australia could see hottest day on record as Perth heatwave conditions travel east – “We’re expecting some incredibly warm conditions as we head into next week”

By Irena Ceranic 12 December 2019 (ABC News) – Australia could experience its hottest day on record next week as a hot air mass building in Western Australia makes its way east. Perth is enduring an unprecedented heatwave for December, with the city expected to hover close to 40 degrees Celsius for four consecutive days […]

A woman looks at a World globe at the COP25 climate talks congress in Madrid, Spain, Friday, 13 December 2019. Officials from almost 200 countries scrambled to reach an agreement at a United Nations climate meeting amid growing concerns that key issues may be postponed for another year. Photo: Paul White / AP Photo

UN climate talks in limbo as rifts among countries remain – “I’ve been attending these climate negotiations since they first started in 1991, but never have I seen the almost total disconnection we’ve seen here”

By Frank Jordans 14 December 2019 MADRID (AP) – Chilean officials presiding over this year’s U.N. climate talks said Saturday they plan to propose a compromise to bridge yawning differences among countries that have been deadlocked on key issues for the past two weeks. With the meeting already into extra time, draft documents presented overnight […]

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