[Update: Readers have suggested that the “plume” is merely fog rolling in from the ocean. Desdemona agrees and slaps forehead.] Things start cooking around 1:30, and the big plume starts at about 2:10. Here’s what Google translate says about the caption: Unit 3, white smoke from the No. 4 (black and white, so clear […]
June 14 (NHK) – The health ministry says that another 23 workers at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant may have been exposed internally to over 100 millisieverts of radiation. The ministry on Tuesday told plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company to immediately release the workers from duty. The ministry said keeping the employees at […]
By Wonkette Jr.9 June 2011 Texas Governor Rick Perry has declared he can’t solve the state’s problems, so from now on official government policy is “pray, everybody.” Perry is holding a day of fasting and prayer called “The Response” at a sports stadium in Houston on August 6th, which everyone can now consider the “effective […]
At :45 in Rain and winds bringing radiation into Fukushima City [60 km from plant]. We were at a spot with 1,000 times safe dosage. These are very, very dangerous levels. These area are considered safe by authorities. There are hot spots where radiation is off the charts. RT in Fukushima: Radiation 1000 times […]
Earth movement by humans and rivers. Maps of the United States showing, by variations in peak height, the rates at which earth is moved in gigatonnes per annum in a grid cell measuring 1° (latitude and longitude) on a side, by (A) humans and (B) rivers. Hooke (1999) / EPA Surface mining and reclamation have […]
By Mary Foster, Associated Press13 June 2011 NEW ORLEANS — While scientists have been battling to keep a ravenous, invasive fish species out of the Great Lakes, some worry that spring floods along the Mississippi River may be spreading the Asian carp downstream. Duane Chapman, a U.S. Geological Survey biologist and Asian carp expert, says […]
June 13 (NHK) – The health and labor ministry says six other workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may have received radiation doses above the allowable emergency level. Tokyo Electric Power Company reported to the health ministry on Monday on the results of the latest checks of workers at the power plant. The […]
Bruce Blythe, Business Editor 13 June 2011 The government’s latest crops outlook brought unwelcome news for Mike Engler, a Texas feedlot operator who’s watched profits evaporate in recent months as corn prices soared to records and the cattle market slumped. There’s no apparent end in sight for tight corn supplies and high feed costs for […]
Your browser does not support iframes. By Julie Schmit, USA TODAY13 June 2011 NORTH LAS VEGAS — Dayna and Scott Merritt ask themselves almost every day if they should keep paying their mortgage. Many other residents on their street, Helens Pouroff Avenue, stopped long ago. Since the 69 new homes on this street were sold […]
By NORIMITSU ONISHI and MARTIN FACKLER12 June 2011 TOKYO — On the evening of March 12, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant’s oldest reactor had suffered a hydrogen explosion and risked a complete meltdown. Prime Minister Naoto Kan asked aides to weigh the risks of injecting seawater into the reactor to cool it down. At this […]