[Update: Readers have suggested that the “plume” is merely fog rolling in from the ocean. Desdemona agrees and slaps forehead.] Things start cooking around 1:30, and the big plume starts at about 2:10. Here’s what Google translate says about the caption:

Unit 3, white smoke from the No. 4 (black and white, so clear color is unknown) is a large eruption began suddenly. (around 1:30) is shrouded in smoke, visible from the camera was enough power plants. Or by critical thing happened again? What is missing from the cooling water? Is really anxious. Also, while last night, it also appears to be flying north wind riding the Kanto region, everyone (especially children) is to wear a mask and, with attention to internal exposure! 3号機、4号機から白煙(白黒なので明確な色は不明)は突如大噴出を始めた。(1:30頃から)その煙に包まれて、カメラからは発電所が見えなくなるほどであった。 再臨界がおこった事によるものか?  冷却水が不足したからか? 本当に不安である。 また、昨晩からしばらく、北風にのって関東圏にも飛散すると思われますので、皆様(特に子供)はマスクの着用などして、内部被爆に注意しましょう!

福島第一原発 昨夜(6/14)発生した煙大量噴出の瞬間!via Ex-SKF