Satellite view of Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier on 28 December 2015 (left) and 31 March 2021 (right). On 13 December 2021, Ice scientists at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting in New Orleans warned that great cracks and fissures had opened up both on top of and underneath the Thwaites glacier, one of the biggest in the world, and it may fracture and collapse, possibly within five years. Photo: ESA Sentinel-1

Antarctica’s “doomsday” glacier: how its collapse could trigger global floods and swallow islands – “If Thwaites were to collapse, it would drag most of West Antarctica’s ice with it”

By Ella Gilbert 22 December 2021 (The Conversation) – The massive Thwaites glacier in West Antarctica contains enough ice to raise global sea levels by 65 centimeters if it were to completely collapse. And, worryingly, recent research suggests that its long-term stability is doubtful as the glacier haemorrhages more and more ice. Adding 65 centimeters to global sea levels […]

Fox News entertainer Jesse Watters calls for the assassination of Dr. Anthony Fauci at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest conference on 20 December 2021. Watters encouraged his supporters to ‘ambush’ the infectious-disease expert with a ‘kill shot’. Fox News had no comment. Photo: Ron Filipkowski / Twitter

Fox News host Jesse Watters publicly calls for assassination of Dr. Anthony Fauci – Fox News says violent words “taken out of context”

By Allison Quinn and Justin Baragona 21 December 2021 (The Daily Beast) – Anthony Fauci has called for Fox News host Jesse Watters to be axed from the cable channel for encouraging his supporters to “ambush” the infectious-disease expert with a “kill shot.” [UPDATE 21 Dec 2021: Fox News has defended the violent language as […]

Globally averaged atmospheric CO2 mole fraction (left) and growth rate (right), 1984-2020. In 2020, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas, reached 413.2 parts per million in 2020 and is 149 percent of the pre-industrial level. Graphic: WMO

WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin 2021: Another year, another record – “CO2 in the atmosphere breached the milestone of 400 parts per million in 2015. And just five years later, it exceeded 413 ppm.”

GENEVA, 25 October 2021 (WMO) – The abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere once again reached a new record last year, with the annual rate of increase above the 2011-2020 average. That trend has continued in 2021, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Greenhouse Gas Bulletin. Concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most […]

Video shows a large, nighttime tornado whirling in Sacramento, Kentucky, illuminated only by lightning, on the night of 10 December 2021. Video: ABC News

Night of devastating tornadoes likely kills more than 100 in Kentucky – “The Mississippi River Valley and Ohio River Valley are increasingly vulnerable to more tornadic activity with time”

By Suman Naishadham and Seth Borenstein 12 December 2021 WASHINGTON (Associated Press) – The calendar said December but the warm moist air screamed of springtime. Add an eastbound storm front guided by a La Nina weather pattern into that mismatch and it spawned tornadoes that killed dozens over five U.S. states. Tornadoes in December are unusual, but […]

Map showing the near-surface air temperature differences from the 1981-2010 average for January to September 2021. Data are from the ERA5 reanalysis product. Graphic: C3S / ECMWF

State of the Climate in 2021: Past seven years are on track to be the seven warmest on record – “Extreme events are the new norm”

GENEVA, 31 October 2021 (WMO) – Record atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and associated accumulated heat have propelled the planet into uncharted territory, with far-reaching repercussions for current and future generations, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The past seven years are on track to be the seven warmest on record, according to the provisional WMO […]

Average annual global wealth growth rate, 1995-2021. Graph: World Inequality Lab

Global wealth inequalities are close to early 20th century levels, at the peak of Western imperialism – “The share of income presently captured by the poorest half of the world’s people is about half what it was in 1820”

8 December 2021 (World Inequality Lab) – […] An average adult individual earns PPP €16,700 (PPP USD23,380) per year in 2021, and the average adult owns €72,900 (USD102,600). These averages mask wide disparities both between and within countries. The richest 10% of the global population currently takes 52% of global income, whereas the poorest half […]

Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, 1959-2021. Global CO2 emissions bounced back after COVID-19 restrictions and reached pre-pandemic levels in 2021. Graph: Global Carbon Project

Global carbon emissions rebound to pre-pandemic levels after unprecedented drop in 2020 – “The fast recovery in CO2 emissions, following last year’s sharp drop, should come as no surprise”

By Pep Canadell, Corinne Le Quéré, Glen Peters, Pierre Friedlingstein, Robbie Andrew, and Rob Jackson 3 November 2021 (The Conversation) – Global carbon dioxide emissions have bounced back after COVID-19 restrictions and are likely to reach close to pre-pandemic levels this year, our analysis released today has found. The troubling finding comes as the COP26 climate talks […]

Missouri Governor Mike Parson answers media's questions on Tuesday, 13 July 2021, in Kansas City, Missouri. Parson, a Republican, is digging in on his belief that mask mandates don't work despite a health department analysis showing reduced COVID-19 infections and deaths in cities that require face coverings. The Republican governor on Thursday, 2 December 2021, ripped into a report on the analysis by The Missouri Independent. Photo: Shelly Yang / The Kansas City Star / AP

Missouri health department found mask mandates work, but Republican governor didn’t make findings public – “It’s devastating to see what the Missouri governor did”

By Rudi Keller, Derek Kravitz, and Smarth Gupta 1 December 2021 (Missouri Independent) – Mask mandates saved lives and prevented COVID-19 infections in Missouri’s biggest cities during the worst part of the delta variant wave, an analysis by the state Department of Health and Senior Services shows. But the analysis, conducted at the request of Gov. […]

Map showing blended land and sea surface temperature anomalies in October 2021, relative to the 1981-2010 base period. The unusually warm temperatures across much of the Northern Hemisphere land resulted in the warmest October on record for the Northern Hemisphere land, surpassing the previous record set in 2019 by 0.11°C (0.20°F). The 10 warmest Octobers for the Northern Hemisphere have occurred since 2003. Graphic: NOAA / NCEI

October 2021 was Earth’s fourth-warmest October on record and warmest on record over Northern Hemisphere land areas

By Jeff Masters and Bob Henson 15 November 2021 (Yale Climate Connections) – October 2021 was Earth’s fourth-warmest October since global record-keeping began in 1880, 0.89 degree Celsius (1.60°F) above the 20th-century average, NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, NCEI, reported November 15. NASA also reported October 2021 as the fourth-warmest October on record, 1.23 degrees Celsius (2.21°F) […]

Aerial view of deforestation in Labrea in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest in September 2021. Photo: Victor Moriyama / Amazônia em Chama / Greenpace Disclosure

Amazon deforestation soars to 15-year high – “This is not surprising. The result of pulling apart Brazil’s environmental policy is deforestation.”

By Manuela Andreoni 19 November 2021 RIO DE JANEIRO (The New York Times) – Brazil’s pledge this month to end illegal deforestation in eight years drew much praise from global leaders, but an official report this week cast doubt on that commitment after it showed that the rate of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest was at its […]

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