Accidents surge as oil industry takes the train – Since March 2013, no fewer than 10 large crude spills in the U.S. and Canada because of rail accidents

By CLIFFORD KRAUSS and JAD MOUAWAD25 January 2014 CASSELTON, N.D. (The New York Times) – Kerry’s Kitchen is where Casselton residents gather for gossip and comfort food, especially the caramel rolls baked fresh every morning. But a fiery rail accident last month only a half mile down the tracks, which prompted residents to evacuate the […]

U.S. business groups form multi-million dollar campaign to fight President Obama’s climate plan

By Juliet Eilperin    30 January 2014 (Washington Post) – A coalition of business, energy and farm groups are spending millions of dollars to fight the Obama administration’s effort to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and other sources. The Partnership for a Better Energy Future, which includes the National Association of Manufacturers and the […]

Chevron blasted for ‘Rainforest Chernobyl’ and mob-like tactics to silence critics – ‘Despite losing a 20-year legal battle and receiving a $9.5 billion judgment against it, Chevron says it will never pay’

By Katie Rucke23 January 2014 (MintPress News) – The nonprofit organization Amazon Watch on Monday released a satirical video to draw attention to the threats Chevron has made to environmentalists, journalists, scientists and locals who have asked for the company to be held accountable for its destructive actions, and the company’s attempts to criminalize environmental […]

Canada Fisheries and Oceans library closings called loss to science – ‘I call it Orwellian’

By Max Paris, Environment Unit6 January 2014 (CBC News) – Irreplaceable science research may be lost when Department of Fisheries and Oceans libraries across the country are closed down, researchers fear. Fisheries and Oceans Canada hopes to close seven of its 11 libraries by 2015. Already, stories have emerged about books and reports thrown into […]

‘Libricide’ in Canada: What’s driving chaotic dismantling of Canada’s science libraries?

By Andrew Nikiforuk23 December 2013 ( – Scientists say the closure of some of the world’s finest fishery, ocean and environmental libraries by the Harper government has been so chaotic that irreplaceable collections of intellectual capital built by Canadian taxpayers for future generations has been lost forever. Many collections such as the Maurice Lamontagne Institute […]

Oil development in Ecuador’s Yasuni rainforest pits uncontacted tribes against one another – ‘After all the people we killed, we felt dizzy’

By Bethany Horne3 January 2013 (Newsweek) – As two military-style helicopters touch down in a remote village in the jungles of Ecuador, masked men with guns hop out and scurry into a one-room schoolhouse. Inside they capture their target: a 6-year-old girl who doesn’t speak their language and can’t even guess why they are kidnapping […]

Mercury levels rising around Alberta oilsands in ‘bull’s-eye’ that extends for 19,000 square kilometers

By Margaret Munro29 December 2013 (Postmedia News) – Mercury wafting out of oilsands operations is impacting an area – or “bull’s-eye” — that extends for about 19,000 square kilometres in northeast Alberta, according to federal scientists. Levels of the potent neurotoxin found near the massive industrial operation have been found to be up to 16 […]

Global warming: The changing face of the Arctic

By Nicole Mortillaro      9 December 2013 TORONTO (Global News) – Autumns are now longer and warmer than they once were in the Arctic, and the first cases of sunburn were reported to researchers by Inuit in Tuktoyaktuk, according to a study on the effects of climate change on the Inuit culture. In the same study, […]

Canada government under fire for spying on environmental groups –‘What Harper has done is to take the spy agencies of the federal government of Canada and put them at the service of private companies like Enbridge’

By Krystle Alarcon and Matthew Millar 21 November 2013 (Vancouver Observer) – Politicians, environmentalists and First Nations alike are infuriated that the federal government worked hand-in-hand with the oil industry to spy on groups that opposed pipeline projects. Documents obtained by the Vancouver Observer under the Access to Information Privacy Act revealed that the National […]

Canada dead last in ranking for environmental protection –‘Canada has been the only country that’s fallen’

By PAUL WALDIE 18 November 2013 LONDON (The Globe and Mail) – Canada has fallen behind in a global ranking on international development initiatives and ranks last when it comes to environmental protection. The Washington-based Center for Global Development assesses 27 wealthy nations annually on their commitment to seven areas that impact the world’s poor. […]

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