‘Pinkish oily substance’ washing into New Harbor Island wetland – Hundreds of dead jellyfish seen – Ocean west of the Mississippi River undefended

By Cain Burdeau,Harry R. Weber, The Associated Press 6/05/2010 3:36 PM NEW ORLEANS – Crews prepared Thursday to lower a 100-tonne box they hoped would cut off most of the crude spewing from a blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico, the urgency of their task underscored by oil that started washing up on delicate […]

Image of the Day: Gulf Oil Spill Viewed from ISS, 4 May 2010

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi, Expedition 23 flight engineer, photographed the tail end of the Mississippi Delta showing the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico on May 4, 2010. Part of the river delta and nearby Louisiana coast appear dark in the sunglint. This phenomenon is caused by sunlight reflecting off […]

Video: Exclusive report from oil spill ‘dome’ ship

Associated Press  —  May 06, 2010  — The AP’s Harry Weber reports from aboard the supply ship carrying the oil containment device that it’s in the thick of the oil spill waiting for another ship that will help place the containment dome. Exclusive Report From Oil Spill ‘Dome’ Ship Technorati Tags: oil production,oil spill,pollution,Gulf of […]

Oil lapping ashore on Louisiana island — First confirmed shoreline impact

May 7, 2010 – 2:59AM (AFP) Oil sheen from a massive crude spill in the Gulf of Mexico has started washing ashore on an island off Louisiana, officials said Thursday, confirming a land impact for the first time. “Teams have confirmed oil on Freemason Island,” Coast Guard Petty Officer Connie Terrell told AFP. “It is […]

Ship carrying coffer dam arrives at oil spill site

By HARRY R. WEBER and CAIN BURDEAU – Associated Press Writers ON THE GULF OF MEXICO — It’s never been tried before, but crews hope to lower a 100-ton concrete-and-steel box a mile under the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday to cut off most of the hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil spewing from […]

Gulf oil slick slows shipping into New Orleans

By Laurel Brubaker Calkins in Houston Last Updated: May 5, 2010 22:43 EDT May 5 (Bloomberg) — Oil leaking from BP Plc’s damaged Gulf of Mexico well has drifted within 1.5 miles of the buoy marking the entrance to Southwest Pass, the main approach to the Port of New Orleans, a port official said. “I […]

With oil slick still offshore, a frenzy of preparations

By Maria Recio, Audra Burch, Joseph Goodman and Jim Wyss – McClatchy Newspapers PANAMA CITY, Fla. — As Mother Nature kept the man-made oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico from making landfall, emergency workers along the Gulf Coast Tuesday stepped up their efforts to defend sensitive shorelines and oil giant BP began what could […]

Graph of the Day: Projected Oil Spill Path to 8 May 2010

Improving weather today allowed both NOAA overflights and dispersant operations to resume. Today, four aircraft applied dispersants to the surface slick, and dispersant application by vessels is expected to begin tomorrow. Monitoring of the dispersant efforts are ongoing. NOAA overflights were conducted over the source as well as south from Mobile. At present, technical specialists […]

Image of the Day: BP Oil Spill Viewed From Orbit, 4 May 2010

Today’s MODIS / Aqua image features a break in the clouds (just barely) to reveal much of the oil slick. Fresh upwelling oil is apparent around the location of the leaking well. Long tendrils of slick and sheen stretch to the east and southwest; the total area of slicks and sheen, possibly including patches of […]

Failed oil-spill booms washing ashore at Orange Beach, Alabama

By Hubert Tate, Photojournalist: Franz Barraza Published : Tuesday, 04 May 2010, 6:18 PM CDT ORANGE BEACH, Alabama (WALA) – Another set of booms could be placed in areas where the original set of booms failed. The beach front near Perdido Pass is one area where the booms have failed. And failure is not a […]

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