Failed oil-spill booms washing ashore on Orange Beach, Alabama, 4 May 2010. WALA

By Hubert Tate, Photojournalist: Franz Barraza
Published : Tuesday, 04 May 2010, 6:18 PM CDT ORANGE BEACH, Alabama (WALA) – Another set of booms could be placed in areas where the original set of booms failed. The beach front near Perdido Pass is one area where the booms have failed. And failure is not a word people want to hear right now in the middle of an oil spill crisis. There are booms in place in Orange Beach. But not in the right place. The orange devices should float in water to catch any oil. Instead, strong waves washed the booms ashore and now some want to see crews do something about the problem. “I was hoping that they went back and did it again after the weather calmed down. I am hoping that would be somewhat effective, but it doesn’t look like that is the answer,” said Jodi Payne of Orange Beach. … Patti Link manages an Orange Beach marina and says the failing booms will definitely hurt wildlife. “We have dolphins that live in our back bays. They don’t ever go out into the Gulf. We have between 250 and 500 dolphins that live there year round. If that oil gets back there in those back bays. It is devastating to all of that,” said Link. …

Booms washing ashore in Orange Beach