Graph of the Day: Projected Oil Spill Path to 20 May 2010

Riser Insertion Tube Leak Mitigation Tactic is Tested The Unified Area Command reports that overnight the Riser Insertion Tube Tool was successfully tested and inserted into the leaking riser, capturing some amounts of oil and gas. The oil was stored on board the Discoverer Enterprise drill ship 5,000 feet above on the water’s surface, and […]

Graph of the Day: Projected Oil Spill Path to 19 May 2010

NOAA continues to provide scientific support including: modeling the trajectory and location of the oil, conducting shoreline oil assessment surveys, conducting oil chemistry analyses and evaluating open water and shoreline remediation techniques. Undersea dispersant application resumed this morning and BP is doing continuous testing.  If tests reveal something we are concerned about the dispersant application […]

Models indicate Gulf oil spill may be in major current

By JASON DEAREN (AP)  NEW ORLEANS — Researchers tracking the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico say computer models show the black ooze may have already entered a major current flowing toward the Florida Keys, and are sending out a research vessel to learn more. William Hogarth, dean of the University of South […]

Tube inserted into pipe is capturing some leaking oil in Gulf but not all

By The Times-PicayuneMay 16, 2010, 11:50AM BP has successfully inserted a tube into the broken pipe at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and is collecting some, but not all, of the leaking oil, officials said. The Joint Information Center reported that the riser insertion tube tool was successfully tested and inserted into the […]

BP wrestling for third day Sunday to plug Gulf of Mexico oil leak – Submerged oil plumes are miles long

By The Associated PressMay 16, 2010, 9:35AM BP was wrestling for a third day Sunday with its latest contraption for slowing the nearly month-old gusher of oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico. BP, the largest oil and gas producer in the U.S., has been unable to thread a tube into the leak to siphon […]

Graph of the Day: Projected Oil Spill Path to 18 May 2010

NOAA continues to provide scientific support including: modeling the trajectory and location of the oil, getting pre-impact shoreline samples surveys and baseline measurements, and planning for open water and shoreline remediation. NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center are conducting bottlenose dolphin studies in Mississippi and Louisiana. The […]

Large concentrations of spilled oil 1,000 meters below Gulf surface

By Science journalist Mark Schrope, aboard the research vessel Pelican “You’ve got to see this,” says Vernon Asper, an oceanographer with the National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology team, rushing into the main lab on board the Pelican. Soon after, to those gathering in the small room where readings from the sampling rosette come […]

Image of the Day: BP / Gulf oil spill — Radar Image, 14 May 2010

14 May 2010   13 May 2010 The COSMO-SkyMed radar image taken yesterday is somewhat ominous – it shows nearly all of the slick from the ongoing Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and at 4,922 square miles (12,748 km2) it’s significantly larger than it appeared on May 13. BP / Gulf oil spill – Slick getting […]

Graph of the Day: Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone, 2009

Swaths of the gulf near Louisiana are oxygen-starved, or hypoxic. An annual surge in farm runoff, carried by the Mississippi into the Gulf, feeds algae blooms, which consume available oxygen as they decay. Fish leave the area and bottom-dwelling sea life is stressed or dies. The Gulf, Before the Spill Technorati Tags: ocean anoxia,dead zone,pollution,algae […]

Matt Simmons: Gulf oil leaks could gush for years

By Christine Dell’Amore, National Geographic News Published May 13, 2010 If efforts fail to cap the leaking Deepwater Horizon wellhead in the Gulf of Mexico (map), oil could gush for years—poisoning coastal habitats for decades, experts say. Last week the joint federal-industry task force charged with managing the spill tried unsuccessfully to lower a 93-ton […]

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