Climate change could reduce economic value of oceans by $2 trillion per year

21 March 2012 (SEI) – A global, integrated approach is urgently needed to protect the oceans from converging threats. A new study coordinated by SEI shows climate change alone could reduce the economic value of key ocean services by up to 2 trillion USD a year by 2100, and urges world leaders to make the […]

Graph of the Day: Gamma Radiation Air-reading in Tokyo, 1 March 2011 – 20 March 2012

グレイは放射線が物質に当たった時のエネルギー量を表し、大気中の放射線量1グレイは1シーベルトに換算できます。 【参考】健康安全研究センターで平常時に観測されていた測定値:1時間あたり0.028~0.079マイクロシーベルト(平均値は概ね、0.035マイクロシーベルト/時)で推移<上記の緑色の帯の範囲>。 Machine translation: Grey represents the amount of energy when radiation hits the material, you can convert the atmospheric radiation 1 gray dose of 1 sievert. [Wikipedia: The gray (symbol: Gy) is the SI derived unit of absorbed radiation dose of ionizing radiation (for example, X-rays), and is defined as the absorption of one […]

Study ties GMO corn, soybeans to monarch butterfly decline

By JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY, Star Tribune 16 March 2012 Genetically engineered corn and soybeans make it easy for farmers to eradicate weeds, including the long-lived and unruly milkweed. But they might be putting the monarch butterfly in peril. The rapid spread of herbicide-resistant crops has coincided with — and may explain — the dramatic decline in […]

Video: Muslims, Jews, Christians link in Jerusalem to save the planet

By Karin Kloosterman 16 March 2012 Can mobilizing the world’s faithful save the planet where activists without faith have failed? Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders will be speaking out on climate change this week, while conveying their shared visions on renewable energy at the Interfaith Climate and Energy Conference. It will be held in Jerusalem […]

Europe’s chief scientist warns against climate delays

By Charlie Dunmore; Editing by Rex Merrifield and Jason Neely16 March 2012 BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union cannot use the economic slowdown as an excuse to delay action on fighting climate change, the bloc’s first-ever chief scientific adviser has warned. Molecular biologist Anne Glover took on the newly created role reporting to European Commission […]

Disasters expose flaws in assumptions about globalization

By Alistair Gray19 March 2012 Just days after a powerful offshore earthquake sent a wall of seawater surging towards Japan’s north-eastern coastline, devastating the region, companies with operations thousands of miles away were left grappling with shortages of critical components. A year ago this week, as rolling blackouts forced parts plants throughout the world’s third-largest […]

Professor Yukio Hayakawa takes a walk in Fukushima City, 16 March 2012

Fukushima City at EveryTrail By arevamirpal::laprimavera 16 March 2012 Professor Yukio Hayakawa was armed with 4 different radiation survey meters. One of the reasons he went to Fukushima was apparently to test the survey meters and compare the readings. The entire walk took 7 hours yesterday, says Hayakawa in his tweet, nothing compared to mountain […]

As climate changes, Louisiana seeks to lift a highway

By Juliet Eilperin18 March 2012 GOLDEN MEADOW, Louisiana – Here on the side of Louisiana’s Highway 1, next to Raymond’s Bait Shop, a spindly pole with Global Positioning System equipment and a cellphone stuck on top charts the water’s gradual encroachment on dry land. In 1991 this stretch of road through the marshlands of southern […]

Melting Arctic ice could poison ecosystem, experts say

[cf. Polar bears ill from accumulated environmental toxins] By John Size, CTV News 18 March 2012 Arctic sea ice that’s been melting at a dramatic rate in the last few decades is releasing a chemical soup that could poison the food chain with mercury and other dangerous chemicals, a new study suggests. The NASA-led research […]

Urban air pollution to become top cause of environment-related deaths by 2050: OECD

By Tom Arup 17 March 2012 URBAN air pollution will become the top cause of environment-related deaths globally by mid-century unless action is taken, one of the world’s peak economic groups says. In a study of the global environmental outlook to 2050, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) warns there may be 3.6 […]

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