Air pollution in Yutian County, China, 29 April 2008. Campbelk /

By Tom Arup
17 March 2012 URBAN air pollution will become the top cause of environment-related deaths globally by mid-century unless action is taken, one of the world’s peak economic groups says. In a study of the global environmental outlook to 2050, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) warns there may be 3.6 million premature deaths a year from air particles, mainly in China and India. OECD countries, which include Australia, would also face high death rates due to ground-level ozone as they face ageing populations and increased urbanisation. The projected rise in air pollution would mean it would eclipse other environmental causes of premature death such as poor water quality and sanitation. It is one of several alarming findings from the group’s report released yesterday, which urges action be taken now or risk irreversible damage to the environment. In a statement, OECD secretary-general Angel Gurria said: ”Greener sources of growth can help governments today as they tackle these pressing challenges. Greening agriculture, water and energy supply and manufacturing will be critical by 2050 to meet the needs of over 9 billion people.” Also in the 2050 environmental outlook, the OECD says greenhouse gas emissions will rise by 50 per cent by 2050 without stronger climate policies. Carbon dioxide emissions from energy use to 2050 are projected to increase by 70 per cent, helping drive increased global temperatures of 3 to 6 degrees by 2100, well above a internationally agreed 2 degrees. The OECD says biodiversity – the average abundance of animal and plant species – would decline by 10 per cent on land, with the worst hits in Asia, Europe and southern Africa. Increased demand for water of 55 per cent would also mean that 40 per cent of the world’s population – 2.3 billion more people than today – will be living under severe water stress. The OECD report says without new policies and continuing socio-economic trends, ”continued degradation and erosion of natural environmental capital are expected to 2050 and beyond, with the risk of irreversible changes that could endanger two centuries of rising living standards”. […]

Death stalks us in the air, says OECD in its outlook