Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Joshua trees, such as this 25-foot-tall specimen that is 150 to 200 years old, are threatened with removal for a solar project in Boron by Avantus, a California company that is mostly owned by KKR, the global private equity firm. Thousands of protected Joshua trees just outside this desert town, including many thought to be a century old, will be cut down to make way for the sprawling solar project. Residents worry that construction dust will spread valley fever. Photo: Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times

Solar project to destroy thousands of Joshua trees in the Mojave Desert – “Let’s destroy the environment to save the environment”

By Melody Petersen 31 May 2024 BORON, California (Los Angeles Times) – A renewable energy company will soon begin clearing thousands of protected Joshua trees just outside this desert town, including many thought to be a century old, to make way for a sprawling solar project that will generate power for 180,000 homes in wealthier […]

Motorists splash through the water along North Flagler Drive during king tide flooding in West Palm Beach, Florida on 30 September 2023. Photo: Greg Lovett / The Palm Beach Post

Florida, the state of denial, needs to eliminate “heat index” for climate change relief – “Suggestion for DeSantis: ‘Freedom flooding’” 

By Frank Cerabino 21 May 2024 (The Palm Beach Post) – It is time for Florida to ban the words “heat index.” It’s the next logical step to take for Gov. Ron DeSantis, who signed a new law that removes references to “climate change” in state statutes. Man-made pollution that helps to warm the planet […]

Meteorologist Steve MacLaughlin of Florida’s NBC 6 posted on Twitter / X on 18 May 2024: “Don’t Say Climate Change!” As Florida is on fire, under water and unaffordable, our state government is rolling back climate change legislation and language. Graphic: Steve MacLaughlin

TV meteorologist blasts Florida’s new “Don’t Say Climate Change” law amid oppressive heat

By Rachel Ramirez 21 May 2024 (CNN) – As vast parts of Florida sweltered in oppressive heat over the weekend, South Florida TV meteorologist Steve MacLaughlin criticized the state’s new legislation that deleted most references to climate change from state law, and urged his viewers to vote. “The entire world is looking to Florida to lead in […]

A member of Riposte Alimentaire (Food Response) posing after covering Claude Monet’s painting Les Coquelicots at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, France with a sticker. In the video she said of the poster covering Monet’s art that “this nightmarish image awaits us if no alternative is put in place”. Photo: Roberta Fumagalli / AFP

Climate activist defaces Monet painting in Paris – “This nightmarish image awaits us if no alternative is put in place”

1 June 2024 (AFP) – A climate activist has been arrested for sticking an adhesive poster on a Monet painting at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris to draw attention to global heating, a police source said. The action by the woman, a member of Riposte Alimentaire (Food Response) – a group of environmental activists and […]

A soldier removes the body of a howler monkey that died amid extremely high temperatures in Tecolutilla, Tabasco state, Mexico, 21 May 2024. Photo: Luis Sanchez / AP Photo

It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees – “They were falling out of the trees like apples”

By Mark Stevenson 21 May 2024 (MEXICO CITY) – It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees. At least 138 of the midsize primates, who are known for their roaring vocal calls, were found dead in the Gulf Coast state of Tabasco since May 16, according to the Biodiversity […]

A man stands near his home looking at a street he says has been flooded for months, on Thursday, 7 December 2023, in Prichard, Alabama. Water bubbles up in streets, pooling in neighborhoods for weeks or months. Homes burn to the ground if firefighters can’t draw enough water from hydrants. Utility crews struggle to fix broken pipes while water flows through shut-off valves that don’t work. Photo: Brynn Anderson / AP Photo

Trillions of gallons leak from aging drinking water systems, further stressing shrinking U.S. cities – “It’s a huge problem because infrastructure is rapidly deteriorating”

By Tammy Webber 4 March 2024 PRICHARD, Alabama (AP) – Water bubbles up in streets, pooling in neighborhoods for weeks or months. Homes burn to the ground if firefighters can’t draw enough water from hydrants. Utility crews struggle to fix broken pipes while water flows through shut-off valves that don’t work. For generations, the water […]

Researchers Peter Hotez (centre) and Tara Kirk Sell (right) at a congressional hearing in 2020. Photo: Sarah Silbiger / Bloomberg / Getty

Harassment of scientists is surging, and institutions aren’t sure how to help – “This is a very powerful adversarial force that is seeking to undermine science, and now it’s not only going after the science. It’s going after the scientists.”

By Bianca Nogrady 21 May 2024 (Nature) – As a vocal advocate of vaccinations for public health, Peter Hotez was no stranger to online harassment and threats. But then the abuse showed up on his doorstep. It was a Sunday during a brutal Texas heatwave in June 2023 when a man turned up at Hotez’s […]

Aerial view showing houses destroyed by rising sea levels and coastal erosion associated with climate change, in the community of El Bosque in Nuevo Centla, Tabasco state, Mexico. About 700 people once lived in El Bosque, which sits on a small peninsula jutting out into the Gulf of Mexico. According to environmental group Greenpeace, El Bosque is the first community in Mexico to be officially recognised as displaced by climate change. Photo: Yuri Cortez / AFP

Submerged homes and heatwaves fuel Mexico climate angst – “We hear about climate change all the time but we never thought that it would come to us”

28 May 2024 (Al Jazeera) – Waves wash over abandoned homes in a Mexican village slowly being swallowed by the sea; a symbol of the climate change effects being felt by the major fossil fuel producer. The school where Adrian Perez used to attend classes in the community of El Bosque in the southern state […]

A screenshot from a CBC video shows a girl in Sheikpura, India suffering from record-breaking heat on 29 May 2024. In the northeast of India, students fainted from the heat in their classrooms. Photo: CBC

Animals collapse, water shortages bite amid India’s searing heat – “I haven’t seen it so hot in 56 years”

By Sakshi Dayal, Tanvi Mehta, and Anushree Fadnavis 31 May 2024 NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Animals collapsed, people jumped on water tankers with buckets amid shortages, and government employees changed their work hours as blistering summer heat kept its grip on north India on Thursday. Although Thursday’s readings were marginally lower in Delhi than the […]

Map showing additional days with temperatures above the 90th percentile in the current climate over 15 May 2023 to 15 May 2024, added by the burning of fossil fuels. Produced 21 May 2024. Graphic: Climate Central

Global warming added a month’s worth of extra-hot days between 2023 and 2024 – “That’s a lot of toll that we’ve imposed on people. It’s a lot of toll that we’ve imposed on nature.”

By Raymond Zhong 28 May 2024 (The New York Times) – Over the past year of record-shattering warmth, the average person on Earth experienced 26 more days of abnormally high temperatures than they otherwise would have, were it not for human-induced climate change, scientists said Tuesday [Climate change and the escalation of global extreme heat […]

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