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Poll: What’s the worst thing the Koch Brothers have done?

  • Oil spills: Koch Industries, Inc. was fined $30 million in 2000 to resolve claims related to 300 oil spills across America.
  • Anti-worker: The Kochs have spent more than $34 million to fund groups and individuals that work against workers rights, including WI Gov. Walker.
  • Anti-healthcare: The Kochs financed the Tea Party’s fight against health care reform with over $5 million in funding to Americans for Prosperity.
  • Anti-immigration: The Kochs have given $468,000 to ALEC, a group responsible for anti-immigration bills such as SB1070.
  • Foreclosures: The Kochs fund The Reason Foundation and the Mercatus Center, think tanks that support continued foreclosures on working people’s homes.

Koch Brothers Exposed