Trees burn at night during a forest fire near Maials, west of Tarragona, Spain, 27 June 2019 Photo: Albert Gea / REUTERS

France, Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic set June heat records, worst still to come – Spain battles worst Catalonia wildfire in 20 years

By Ian Livingston 26 June 2019 (The Washington Post) – A ferocious heat wave has overtaken parts of Europe. A number of records have already been broken, and there are several days of extreme heat to go. As the heat wave escalates toward its peak late this week, temperatures have already neared or surpassed 100 degrees (37.8 degrees Celsius) […]

Heat forecast for Europe on 25 June 2019. The most widespread anomalous heat, with temperatures more than 12°C (22°F) above average (pink colors), are predicted on Wednesday and Thursday. Graphic: The Weather Company

Dangerous June heat wave envelops Western Europe – Germany sizzles in record June heat

By Dr. Jeff Masters 25 June 2019 (Weather Underground) – A ferociously hot airmass from the Sahara Desert has moved northward into Western Europe and will bring a dangerous heat wave unprecedented for June for the remainder of the week. All-time national heat records for June are likely to fall in multiple countries, and some […]

Exponential growth in impacts from abrupt climate change

By Nick Humphrey 2 May 2019 (Patreon) – I get asked a lot about what the future holds. I discussed the projections of global average temperature and sea level rise in an upcoming interview on Radio Ecoshock (will be posted next week). However, while trying to write an article on this, I found myself frustrated […]

Projected change in population density in Ethiopia by 2050 under a pessimistic climate change scenario. As climate change worsens even moderately, it could cause water shortages in Ethiopia severe enough to prompt 1.5 million Ethiopians to migrate by 2050. They’ll most likely move out of the northern highlands and Addis Ababa into the southern highlands and Ahmar Mountains. Addis Ababa lies at the center of Ethiopia’s agricultural region, and lower crop yields will result in movement out of the urban center, which is currently the hub of the country’s economic development. Graphic: The World Bank Groundswell Report

Get ready for tens of millions of climate refugees

By Susan Cosier 24 April 2019 (Technology Review) – In 2006, the British economist Nicholas Stern warned that one of the biggest dangers of climate change would be mass migration. “Climate-related shocks have sparked violent conflict in the past,” he wrote, “and conflict is a serious risk in areas such as West Africa, the Nile […]

Reducing air pollution may worsen droughts globally – “It’s mind boggling. There is a really clear signal of the effects of human greenhouse gases on the hydroclimate.”

By James Temple1 May 2019 (Technology Review) – Climate change is clearly making some regions wetter and others drier. But it’s been difficult for scientists to detect a clear, consistent human role in increasing the frequency and severity of global droughts given natural climate variability, regional differences, and limited data. A new report in Nature adds evidence […]

The world lost a Belgium-sized area of primary rainforests in 2018

By Mikaela Weisse and Liz Goldman 25 April 2019 (Global Forest Watch) – The tropics lost 12 million hectares of tree cover in 2018, the fourth-highest annual loss since record-keeping began in 2001. Of greatest concern is the disappearance of 3.6 million hectares of primary rainforest, an area the size of Belgium. The figures come […]

Jet stream change driving California’s floods and wildfires – “Recent California fires during wet North Pacific Jet extremes may be early evidence of this change”

4 March 2019 (NCEI) – Deadly severe wildfires in California have scientists scrutinizing the underlying factors that could influence future extreme events. Using climate simulations and paleoclimate data dating back to the 16th century, a recent study looks closely at long-term upper-level wind and related moisture patterns to find clues. The new research published by the Proceedings of the […]

California races to deter wildfire disaster, but cities continue to build homes in areas of highest fire risk – “There’s a lot of Paradises out there”

By Ryan Sabalow, Phillip Reese, and Dale Kasler 11 April 2019 SACRAMENTO, California (AP) – Impoverished towns in the shadow of Mount Shasta. Rustic Gold Rush cities in the Sierra Nevada foothills. High-dollar resort communities on the shores of Lake Tahoe. Ritzy Los Angeles County suburbs. They all could be the next Paradise. A McClatchy […]

Climate change made the Arctic greener, but now parts of it are turning brown – Warming trends bring more insects, extreme weather, and wildfires that wipe out plants

By Hannah Hoag 11 April 2019 (Science News) – The Chugach people of southern Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula have picked berries for generations. Tart blueberries and sweet, raspberry-like salmonberries — an Alaska favorite — are baked into pies and boiled into jams. But in the summer of 2009, the bushes stayed brown and the berries never […]

Canada warming at twice the global rate, government report finds – “Northern Canada has warmed and will continue to warm at more than double the global rate”

1 April 2019 (CBC News) – Canada is, on average, experiencing warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world, with Northern Canada heating up at almost three times the global average, according to a new government report. The study — Canada’s Changing Climate Report (CCCR) — was commissioned by Environment and Climate […]

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