13 May 2011 (Asahi Shimbun) – As if Tokyo Electric Power Co., the embattled operator of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, didn’t have enough problems, another daunting task is what to do with an estimated 90,000 tons of radioactive water. This vast amount remains from the pumping of water to cool reactors […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera The water gauges for the Reactors 2 and 3 are not to be trusted, said TEPCO’s Matsumoto in the press conference on May 12 (I watched the live-recorded video) when the company officially acknowledged the meltdown of the Reactor 1. If the water gauges for the Reactors 2 and 3 have been overstating […]
Gundersen says Fukushima’s gaseous and liquid releases continue unabated. With a meltdown at Unit 1, Unit 4 leaning and facing possible collapse, several units contaminating ground water, and area school children outside the exclusion zone receiving adult occupational radiation doses, the situation continues to worsen. TEPCO needs a cohesive plan and international support. Fukushima – […]
By Hisae Sato and Fumikazu Asai12 May 2011 The total area contaminated with radiation from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is estimated at about 800 square kilometers, or about 40 percent the size of Tokyo, according to a radiation map created by the science ministry and U.S. Department of Energy. The report uses […]
By Andrew Quinn; additional reporting by Alister Doyle in Oslo; editing by Laura MacInnis 10 May 2011 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Leaders of Arctic nations gather in Greenland this week to chart future cooperation as global warming sets off a race for oil, mineral, fishing and shipping opportunities in the world’s fragile final frontier. Secretary of […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera11 May 2011 Murphys have never left Fukushima I Nuke Plant, and they are coming out from their hiding places. After the workers braved the very high radiation inside the Reactor 1 building and repaired the pressure gauge and the water gauge inside the Containment Vessel and the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV), TEPCO is […]
By KentuckyFC 9 May 2011 Nuclear reactors produce radioactive by-products that decay at different rates. One common by-product is iodine-131 which has a half life of about 8 days while another is cesium-137 with a half life of about 30 years. When a reactor switches off, the iodine decays more quickly so the ratio between […]
[The Unit 3 spent fuel pool is completely wrecked and radiation levels are very high, lending support to Arnie Gundersen’s theory that a prompt criticality event occurred.] Uploaded by alphaspheric on May 10, 2011 Its a mess – after seeing the relatively intact SFP4, 3 is destroyed! So, where are the fuel rods? Status of […]
By Brandon Keim10 May 2011 An activist prankster group called Coal is Killing Kids has struck with a hoax website lampooning the coal industry’s resistance to federal pollution reforms. And science is on their side. The target of their “Coal Cares” site, supposedly offering free Justin Bieber and Dora the Explorer inhalers to children living […]
BY HISAE SATO STAFF WRITER8 May 2011 The first map of ground surface contamination within 80 kilometers of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant shows radiation levels higher in some municipalities than those in the mandatory relocation zone around the Chernobyl plant. The map, released May 6, was compiled from data from a […]