The Oil Drum: Graphgasm 2010

Posted by Euan MearnsDecember 31, 2010 – 7:57am A picture says a thousand words. In this post you will find only charts and graphs conveying important points from the world of energy 2010. Readers are invited to post their favorite charts from 2010 in the comments. Instructions are given at the end of this post. […]

Oil may have strengthened fungus plaguing coastal marsh plants in Alabama and Mississippi

By Ben Raines, Press-RegisterUpdated: Monday, December 27, 2010, 7:29 AM While scientists initially speculated that exposure to oil might have weakened marsh plants and left them more vulnerable to a fungus now widespread in Alabama and Mississippi, some now suggest it is equally plausible that the oil may have acted as a sort of fertilizer, […]

CNN’s Top Headlines of 2010: No mention of Pakistan flood

Haiti “the worst big story of the year” Sometimes the myopia startles even Desdemona. Top Headlines of 2010 Technorati Tags: oil spill,oil production,Gulf of Mexico,North America,Pakistan,global warming,climate change,flood

20 most popular stories of 2010

Here are 2010’s most-viewed stories on Desdemona. A few have had further developments since they were posted, and I’ve noted this where appropriate.  Not surprisingly, the most popular event was the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, with seven entries (that’s why this post is about the top twenty stories, instead of the top ten). Six of […]

Oil and water don’t mix with California agriculture

Controversy in Kern County indicates problems for the oil industry’s future worldwide By Jeremy Miller, From the December 06, 2010 issue of High Country News KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA From the “Petroleum Highway” — a rutted, dusty stretch of California State Route 33 — you can see the jostling armies of two giant industries. To the […]

Regulation is deficient in Canada oil sands: study

By Jeffrey Jones, editing by Peter GallowayWed Dec 15, 4:53 pm ET CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) – Reclamation in Canada’s oil sands is not keeping pace with rapid development and that could leave the public vulnerable to major financial burdens in years to come, a scientific panel said Wednesday. The study by Royal Society of Canada […]

Aging oil rigs, pipelines expose Gulf to accidents

By BEN CASSELMAN14 December 2010 GALLIANO, Louisiana—On June 10, 1947, Stanolind Oil & Gas Co. won an auction for the right to drill for oil on a plot seven miles off the Louisiana coast. The company built a spindly steel platform and drilled a well in shallow waters. It struck oil, and in 1950, Stanolind […]

Animals still covered in oil months after Gulf spill

NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 15, 2010 (AP)  A baby sea turtle escaped from the jaws of a shark, only to get stuck in oil spilled from BP’s well in the Gulf of Mexico. A young dolphin apparently was attacked by his mother, then swam into oil. The animals are among thousands rescued since more than 200 […]

5 awards for the world’s most heinous climate villains

By Mike Roddy and Ian Murphy 11 December 2010 (AlterNet) – This was the hottest decade on record and 2010 has been the hottest year on record. Extreme weather and starvation are increasing on every continent, as beetles devour our forests and jellyfish begin to rule the sea. MIT and the Met Office Hadley Centre […]

Serious offshore drilling incidents on the rise – ‘People can forget to be afraid’

By RUSSELL GOLD And BEN CASSELMANDecember 8, 2010 The oil industry has said the Deepwater Horizon rig catastrophe was a unique event, the result of an unprecedented series of missteps that are unlikely to be repeated. The recent history of offshore drilling suggests otherwise. In the months before and after the rig exploded and sank, […]

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