Dwindling numbers of protesters march against Venezuela government as crisis deepens – IMF projects economic woes will worsen

By Sofia Barbarani 23 January 2017 CARACAS, Venezuela (The Washington Post) – Political parties called for a nationwide protest Monday against Venezuela’s socialist-oriented government but attracted only several thousand people, in a sign of the difficulties the opposition is facing in building a strong protest movement even as the nation descends into crisis. In September, […]

Exxon ordered to hand over climate documents – “Exxon must come clean about what it knew about climate change”

By Scott Malone; Editing by Toni Reinhold and Leslie Adler11 January 2017 (Reuters) – A Massachusetts judge has refused to excuse Exxon Mobil Corp from a request by the state’s attorney general to hand over decades worth of documents on its views on climate change, state officials said on Wednesday. The decision by Massachusetts Superior […]

ExxonMobil gave big to U.S. Senate panel in charge of Rex Tillerson’s confirmation

By Patricia Murphy10 January 2017 (The Daily Beast) – Under Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil PAC gave thousands of dollars to members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who will now be in charge of his confirmation. When ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson appears before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday, all of the Republican senators […]

U.S. unlikely to make significant gains in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and may become net energy exporter

By Bobby Magill5 January 2017 (Climate Central) – The amount of energy Americans use and the pollution they emit from using coal, oil, and natural gas are not likely to change radically over the next 30 years, even as the U.S. becomes a major energy exporter, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Annual Energy […]

Gas flaring grows as oil industry saves money

By Kieran Cooke29 December 2016 LONDON (Climate News Network) – Gas flaring figures are an indictment of the global oil and gas industry. In 2015, 147 billion cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas was flared at oil production sites around the world – up from 145bcm in 2014 and 141bcm in 2013. That’s a waste […]

The 15 most ridiculous things that media figures said about environmental issues in 2016

By Kevin Kalhoefer and Andrew Seifter28 December 2016 (Media Matters) – Donald Trump and the presidential election dominated news coverage in 2016. But talking heads still found plenty of time to make jaw-dropping comments about climate change, energy, and the environment. This year’s list of ridiculous claims includes a dangerous conspiracy theory about Hurricane Matthew, […]

Britain’s Sherwood Forest faces fracking threat

By Gwyn Topham1 January 2017 (The Guardian) – The latest battleground for the future of fracking in Britain looks set to be Sherwood Forest, the legendary home of folk hero Robin Hood and now the target of a seismic survey by Ineos. The chemical multinational, which relocated its headquarters back to the UK last month, […]

Leaked document reveals Rex Tillerson is director of Bahamas-based US-Russian oil company

  By Luke Harding and Hannes Munzinger18 December 2016 (The Guardian) – Rex Tillerson, the businessman nominated by Donald Trump to be the next US secretary of state, is the long-time director of a US-Russian oil firm based in the tax haven of the Bahamas, leaked documents show. Tillerson – the chief executive of ExxonMobil […]

Climate scientists protest ‘the Trumpocene’ – ‘This is a frightening moment. We have seen in the last few weeks how the reins of the federal government are being handed over to the fossil fuel industry.’

By Sarah Kaplan 15 December 2016 SAN FRANCISCO (Washington Post) – Activism wasn’t originally on the agenda for Stephen Mullens, a meteorologist at the University of Oklahoma. He’d come to the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union — the first major gathering of the world’s earth and climate scientists since the election of Donald […]

EPA concludes fracking can threaten water supplies

[Expect these sorts of studies to stop when Scott Pruitt, longtime enemy of the EPA and Trump’s selection to head the EPA, takes control. –Des] By Patrick G. Lee14 December 2016 (ProPublica) – Starting in 2008, ProPublica published stories that found hydraulic fracking had damaged drinking water supplies across the country. The reporting examined how […]

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