Cuba launches widespread rationing in face of crisis

By Michael Weissenstein and Andrea Rodriguez 10 May 2019 HAVANA (AP) – The Cuban government announced Friday that it is launching widespread rationing of chicken, eggs, rice, beans, soap and other basic products in the face of a grave economic crisis. Commerce Minister Betsy Díaz Velázquez told the state-run Cuban News Agency that various forms […]

U.S. Secretary of State says melting Arctic sea ice presents “new opportunities for trade” – Cancels trip to Greenland to observe melting glaciers – Denies climate change at Arctic Council meeting

U.S. Secretary of State says melting Arctic sea ice presents “new opportunities for trade” – Cancels trip to Greenland to observe melting glaciers – Denies climate change at Arctic Council meeting

By Conor Finnegan 9 May 2019 (ABC News) – Two days after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cut a stop from his trip to Germany, his office announced that he was canceling another visit — this time to Greenland, where Pompeo was to see melting glaciers at the forefront of climate change. Pompeo had to […]

Pentagon warns about China’s increased activity in the Arctic, growing ambition to expand its presence

By Elizabeth Mclaughlin and Conor Finnegan 3 May 2019 (ABC News) – China is increasing its activity in the Arctic, building a second ice-breaking ship and looking to expand its footprint in Greenland, according to a new Pentagon report, and Beijing’s presence in the region could lead to the deployment of armed submarines, the report […]

Civilization destroying nature at rate “unprecedented in human history” – Up to 1 million species threatened with extinction, many within decades

Civilization destroying nature at rate “unprecedented in human history” – Up to 1 million species threatened with extinction, many within decades

6 May 2019 (IPBES) – Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history — and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating, with grave impacts on people around the world now likely, warns a landmark new report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the summary of which was […]

Recording reveals oil industry execs laughing at Trump access – “We have unprecedented access to people that are in these positions who are trying to help us, which is great”

By Lance Williams 23 March 2019 (Reveal) – Gathered for a private meeting at a beachside Ritz–Carlton in Southern California, the oil executives were celebrating a colleague’s sudden rise. David Bernhardt, their former lawyer, had been appointed by President Donald Trump to the powerful No. 2 spot at the Department of the Interior. Just five […]

Interior Deptartment opens ethics investigation of its new chief, David Bernhardt, after seven complaints from “a wide assortment of complainants alleging various conflicts of interest and other violations”

By Coral Davenport 15 April 2019 WASHINGTON (The New York Times) – The Interior Department’s internal watchdog has opened an investigation into ethics complaints against the agency’s newly installed secretary, David Bernhardt. Mr. Bernhardt, a former lobbyist for the oil and agribusiness industries, was confirmed by the Senate last week to head the agency, which oversees […]

Washington, New York will fight Trump order boosting coal, oil projects – “We will not allow this or any presidential administration to block us from exercising our authority lawfully and effectively”

By Joel Connelly 11 April 2019 (SeattlePI) – President Donald Trump has signed an executive order designed to block states from using a provision of the Clean Water Act to delay or prevent big oil and coal projects such as a proposed coal export terminal in Longview on the Columbia River. The states of Washington […]

Killing migratory birds has been a crime for decades, but not anymore under Trump – “It will unravel a lot of progress over the past several decades”

By Elizabeth Shogren 8 April 2019 (Reveal) – Under Republican and Democratic presidents from Nixon through Obama, killing migratory birds, even inadvertently, was a crime, with fines for violations ranging from $250 to $100 million. The power to prosecute created a deterrent that protected birds and enabled government to hold companies to account for environmental […]

Putin outlines ambitious Arctic expansion program – “We need to make the Northern sea route safe and commercially feasible”

By Vladimir Isachenkov and Irina Titova 9 April 2019 ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) – President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday put forward an ambitious program to secure Russia’s foothold in the Arctic, including efforts to build new ports and other infrastructure facilities and expand an icebreaker fleet. Speaking at the Arctic forum in St. Petersburg attended by […]

Newly disclosed meetings with industry create ethics questions for U.S. Interior Secretary – Bernhardt met with fossil fuel, timber, and mining representatives

By Jacob Holzman 8 April 2019 (Roll Call) – Recently posted versions of acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt’s daily schedules contain at least 260 differences from his original schedules, with the newest records showing meetings previously described as “external” or “internal” were actually with representatives of fossil fuel, timber, mining, and other industries, according to […]

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