Video: Bolivia on the global warming frontline

In 1998, scientists predicted that the Chacaltaya glacier above La Paz would have completely disappeared by 2015. Now experts say it will already be gone completely early this year. The 2 million residents of the city of La Paz and its suburb El Alto depend on the surrounding glaciers for some of their water needs. […]

Louisiana village will not be moved despite rising sea and hurricanes

By Cain Burdeau4:00 AM Wednesday Jan 6, 2010 …Bourg is a tidy Cajun bayou town a few kilometres north of Dardar’s hurricane-smashed Indian village, in the marsh to which holdout families are being urged to move by a tribal chief, scientists and public officials. Why? Because life on this spit of soggy land 10km from […]

Graph of the Day: Aragonite Saturation in the Greater Caribbean Region, 1988-2009

Using climatological salinities (World Ocean Atlas available from NOAA NODC at and NOAA SSTOI, we extended this approach to model fields back through 1988 (Figure 2b), revealing regionally averaged Ωar values declining at a rate of about 3% per decade amid considerable seasonal variability. These values are consistent with in situ measurements obtained at […]

East Africa: ‘Carnivore starvation in the coming weeks is inevitable’

By Jeremy Hancewww.mongabay.comJanuary 05, 2010 Members with the conservation group Lion Guardians stumbled on a rare site in the Amboseli area of Kenya recently: six hyenas and a number of jackals were attacking and eating a 12-foot-long python. On their blog at WildlifeDirect, Lion Guardians describe the attack: “[the hyenas and jackals] tore into its […]

Australia baked under hottest decade on record

By Michael PerryTue Jan 5, 2010 9:24am EST SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia experienced its hottest decade on record from 2000 to 2009 due to global warming, the nation’s bureau of meteorology said on Tuesday, as annual summer bushfires again burn drought lands and destroy homes. The average temperature in Australia over the past 10 years […]

Australia: Too much rain, and not nearly enough

By MALCOLM BROWNJanuary 6, 2010 WAYNE DUNFORD, 59, has copped it both ways – flooded out at his cattle property at Brewarrina and enduring conditions so dry at his home property at Parkes that the small amount of rain he has received since Christmas has been swallowed by the dust. Like many others in the […]

Graph of the Day: Mid-tropospheric Carbon Dioxide, Sep 2002 – Jul 2008

This visualization is a time-series of the global distribution and variation of the concentration of mid-tropospheric carbon dioxide observed by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on the NASA Aqua spacecraft. For comparison, it is overlain by a graph of the seasonal variation and interannual increase of carbon dioxide observed at the Mauna Loa, Hawaii observatory. […]

Environmental refugees unable to return home

By JOANNA KAKISSISPublished: January 3, 2010 DHAKA, BANGLADESH — Mahe Noor left her village in southern Bangladesh after Cyclone Sidr flattened her family’s home and small market in 2007. Jobless and homeless, she and her husband, Nizam Hawladar, moved to this crowded megalopolis, hoping that they might soon return home. Two years later, they are […]

China blames freak storm on global warming

By JOHN GARNAUT HERALD CORRESPONDENTJanuary 5, 2010 BEIJING: Freak snowstorms and record low temperatures sweeping northern China are linked to global warming, say Chinese officials. But, unlike the unseasonal snow falls that hit Beijing at the start of winter, the dump this week appears to have no link to the Government’s relentless efforts to change […]

Plants and animals race for survival as climate change creeps across the globe

By David, Wednesday 23 December 2009 18.20 GMT Lowland tropics, mangroves and deserts at greater risk than mountainous areas as global warming spreads, study finds Global warming creeps across the world at a speed of a quarter of a mile each year, according to a new study that highlights the problems that rising temperatures […]

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