Colder weather and disease threaten Pakistanis displaced by floods

IRIN27 September 2010 QUETTA – Inside their tent at a camp on the outskirts of Quetta, capital of the southwestern province of Balochistan, Meraj Sindhu helps his wife wrap their six-month-old son and two-year-old daughter in thin cloths widely used in Sindh Province as head scarves or turbans. Sindhu’s wife, Sassui Bibi, tells IRIN: “The […]

Ladakh reconstruction remains sluggish as winter approaches

By Amulya NagarajSeptember 22, 2010 8:14 AM EDT 2010 has been a year for extremes. Pakistan saw one of the worst floods in its history that affected over 21 million people, while Central Europe and the Baltics witnessed severe flash floods early in August that killed at least 15. And the small Indian town of […]

Biologist tracks walruses forced ashore as ice melts – ‘Unheard of five years ago’

By Annie FeidtSeptember 26, 2010 from APRN Earlier this month, tens of thousands of walruses crowded onto a sandy stretch of beach on Alaska’s northwest coast. The animals were forced to swim to shore after the Arctic Sea ice they usually live on disappeared from the Chukchi Sea. It’s a phenomenon that was unheard of […]

Evidence supporting the ‘Hockey Stick’ graph continues to accumulate

By JOHN COLLINS RUDOLFSeptember 23, 2010, 8:12 am Few images in the climate change debate have stirred as much controversy as the storied “hockey stick” graph, which shows average temperatures in the northern hemisphere holding roughly steady for 900 years or so, until the 20th century, when they rise sharply. First unveiled in 1998 by […]

Kilimanjaro’s vanishing ice due to tree-felling

New Scientist25 September 2010 AGGRESSIVE tree-felling on mount Kilimanjaro could be partly to blame for its vanishing ice cap. The ice on Kilimanjaro’s summit has shrunk to just 15 per cent of its extent in 1912, leading campaigners to hold it up as a symbol of climate change. But other factors are also at play. […]

Colossal coral bleaching kills up to 95 percent of corals in the Philippines

By Pierre Fidenci, president of Endangered Species InternationalSpecial to September 23, 2010I It is one of the most worrisome observations: fast massive death of coral reefs. A severe wide-scale bleaching occurred in the Philippines leaving 95 percent of the corals dead. The bleaching happened as the result of the 2009-2010 El Niño, with the […]

UK shipping emissions six times higher than expected

Carbon dioxide emissions produced by UK shipping could be up to six times higher than currently calculated, according to new research from The University of Manchester. (Full report, pdf) As the shipping industry’s emissions are predicted to continue to grow in the future, the UK will fail to meet its commitment to avoid dangerous climate […]

Down the memory hole: Rolling Stone erases ‘Climate Killers’ story

By Richard Pauli, guest blogger23 September 2010 Every so often, Rolling Stone magazine presents some outstanding journalism. This is just my opinion. The recent issue has an exciting read about the science of ice. I am reading it now…It’s about glaciers and ice sheets and how ice is controlled by atmosphere and then how oceans […]

Graph of the Day: Total Land Area Affected by Mountain Pine Beetle in BC, 1981-2005

Mountain Pine Beetle in BC (1981-2005) 2, 3 The area of BC forest affected by the Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) has more than doubled, from 4 million hectares in 2003 to 8.7 million hectares in 2006, with much of this in the Fraser Basin. The MPB reduces trees’ nutrient and water uptake, resulting in defoliation […]

UN: Pakistan flood impact assessment, September 2010 — ‘Evolving crisis on an unprecedented scale’

Full Report [pdf – 3.8 Mbytes] United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)Date: 22 Sep 2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The monsoon induced flooding in Pakistan constitutes an evolving crisis on an unprecedented scale. The impact of the flood has varied: The flash floods in the mountainous north (KPK) were intense and highly destructive. This was also largely […]

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