[Yes, Desdemona is indulging in a little anticipatory schadenfreude.] By Damon Linker30 January 2014 (The Week) – National Review, founded by William F. Buckley Jr. in 1955, has had an enormous impact on the nation’s politics. Its writers formulated the ideology that animated the quixotic Barry Goldwater campaign of 1964, and then Ronald Reagan’s successful […]
By Shan Li29 January 2014 (Los Angeles Times) – California wildlife officials have banned fishing in several rivers to protect salmon and steelhead trout during a severe drought that follows the state’s driest year on record. Fish populations are in danger as low levels in many of the Golden State’s waters could prevent them from […]
13 November 2013 (NWF) – Minnesota’s northwest moose population, one of only two populations in the state, was essentially gone by 2008, numbering fewer than 100 animals, down from a population of about 4,000 just 25 years earlier. In the four decades during which the population plummeted, summer temperatures increased 3 to 4 degrees Fahrenheit, […]
By Ken Silverstein27 January 2014 (Christian Science Monitor) – Instead of pushing into the future, the embattled US coal industry has reached into the past with a new public relations assault, emphasizing how its product powered the Industrial Revolution and can do the same for today’s emerging nations. The pitch: The economic and social benefits […]
By Juliet Eilperin 30 January 2014 (Washington Post) – A coalition of business, energy and farm groups are spending millions of dollars to fight the Obama administration’s effort to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and other sources. The Partnership for a Better Energy Future, which includes the National Association of Manufacturers and the […]
By Katharine Trendacosta31 January 2014 (io9) – Plenty of people still doubt that climate change is a real thing, or that it was engineered by humans and accelerating. But national security hawks agree with the scientific consensus that climate change is a real and growing problem. And they’ve done tons of research predicting the wars […]
By Damian Carrington 30 January 2014 (theguardian.com) – “You are looking at retreat,” says Prof Colin Thorne, a flooding expert at the University of Nottingham. “It is the only sensible policy – it makes no sense to defend the indefensible.” This assessment of how the UK will have to adapt to its increasing flood risk […]
By Bettina Boxall 30 January 2014 (Los Angeles Times) – Even with the first significant storm in nearly two months dropping snow on the Sierra Nevada, Thursday’s mountain snowpack measurements were the lowest for the date in more than a half-century of record keeping. At 12% of average for this time of year, the dismal […]
By Bill Hanna19 January 2014 MEGARGEL – When Debbie Wells purchased the Megargel High School campus in 2009, she didn’t realize she was becoming the caretaker for so much of the town’s history. Still inside the school that opened in 1927 are desks, yearbooks and old photos of students. Near the front entrance, the Megargel […]
18 November 2013 (World Bank) – Disasters trap people into poverty, as indicated by the evidence from many countries. For example, following the 2011 drought, poverty levels in Djibouti returned to levels above those in 2002, indicating a loss of almost 10 years of development gains. Studies from rural Ethiopia and Andhra Pradesh, India, indicate […]