Japan breaks national heat record, China heat wave continues – ‘Statistically it is almost certain that many thousands must have perished as the result of the heat over the past month’

By Christopher C. Burt 12 August 2013 (wunderground.com) – An all-time national heat record was set in Japan today (August 12th) when the temperature peaked at 41.0°C (105.8°F) at the Ekawasaki site in Shimanto (part of Kochi Prefecture). The previous record of 40.9°C (105.6°F) was recorded at Tajima and Kumagaya on August 16, 2007. Tokyo […]

Video: Namibians face starvation in worst drought in a generation – Elephants and other desperate wildlife gather around remaining puddles and faucets in human camps

By Max Fisher13 August 2013 (Washington Post) – The United Nations Children’s Fund released this short video from Namibia, a country in southwestern Africa that’s twice the size of California, documenting the effects of the country’s most severe drought in decades. It’s a national emergency, and the United Nations is getting involved. Here are a […]

Why the World Bank is taking on climate change – Interview with Rachel Kyte, vice president of sustainable development

By Coral Davenport12 August 2013 (National Journal) – The World Bank, headquartered a block from the White House, was founded after World War II to combat global poverty. But over the past year, fighting climate change has become the bank’s new guiding principal, as economic evidence indicates that global warming will be a driving cause […]

Texas fracking boom sucks away precious water from beneath the ground, leaving cattle dead, farms bone-dry, and people thirsty – ‘When the water is gone. That’s it. We’re gone.’

Suzanne Goldenberg 11 August 2013 Barnhart, Texas    (The Guardian) – Beverly McGuire saw the warning signs before the town well went dry: sand in the toilet bowl, the sputter of air in the tap, a pump working overtime to no effect. But it still did not prepare her for the night last month when she […]

Video: Projected increase in potential evaporation in North America through 2100

9 August 2013 (NASA) – This animation shows the projected increase in potential evaporation through the year 2100, relative to 1980, based on the combined results of multiple climate models. The maximum increase across North America is about 1 mm/day by 2100. This concept, potential evaporation, is a measure of drying potential or “fire weather.” […]

Shanghai sets new all-time record (again) as heat wave bakes eastern China

By Justin Grieser8 August 2013 (Washington Post) – While the eastern U.S. and Canada have recently seen below-normal temperatures, a major summer heat wave has been the story in eastern China since early July. Shanghai saw its hottest July in 140 years as temperatures soared to 100ºF or higher for 10 straight days between July […]

Report: Climate change is impacting California water, forests, animals – ‘Together, these indicators paint a disturbing picture of how climate change is affecting our state and its growing threats to our future’

By Alicia Chang8 August 2013 LOS ANGELES (Washington Post) – Coastal waters off California are getting more acidic. Fall-run chinook salmon populations to the Sacramento River are on the decline. Conifer forests on the lower slopes of the Sierra Nevada have moved to higher elevations over the past half century. That’s just a snapshot of […]

New Mexico is the driest of the dry – ‘It’s all changed. This used to be shortgrass prairies. We’ve ruined it and it’s never going to come back.’

By JULIE CART6 August 2013 RIO GRANDE VALLEY, N.M. (Los Angeles Times) – Scientists in the West have a particular way of walking a landscape and divining its secrets: They kick a toe into loamy soil or drag a boot heel across the desert’s crust, leaning down to squint at the tiny excavation. Try that […]

Rise in violence ‘linked to climate change’ – ‘This is a relationship we observe across time and across all major continents around the world’

By Rebecca Morelle, Science reporter, BBC World Service2 August 2013 (BBC) – Shifts in climate are strongly linked to increases in violence around the world, a study suggests. US scientists found that even small changes in temperature or rainfall correlated with a rise in assaults, rapes and murders, as well as group conflicts and war. […]

National Farmers' Union claims extreme weather poses biggest threat to British farming – ‘The biggest uncertainty for UK agriculture is extreme weather events’

By Damian Carrington    28 July 2013 (The Guardian) – Extreme weather being driven by climate change is the biggest threat to British farming and its ability to feed the nation’s growing population, according to Peter Kendall, president of the National Farmers’ Union. His comments, in an interview with the Guardian, come after a week of […]

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