Texas drought eases, but it’s too late for some – Drought worsens in western U.S.

By Andrew Freedman25 February 2012 (Climate Central) – Defying seasonal climate forecasts, this winter has been very good to Texas, which has been locked in the grips of one of the worst droughts in state history. But the unexpectedly generous winter storms have come too late for some, since water supplies are still running low. […]

Drought toll on urban forests in Texas: 5.6 million trees and counting

2010   2011 By Matt Dietrichson16 February 2012 About 5.6 million trees in cities and towns across Texas were killed by last year’s record-setting drought, the Texas Forest Service has estimated after studying before-and-after satellite imagery. This “dramatic” toll on the state’s urban forest is “a slow-moving disaster, not like a hurricane or ice storm,” […]

After driest year on record in Texas, water could be cut off for rice farmers

By Matthew Tresaugue and Mike Glenn23 February 2012 Rice growers have come to expect certain things from the coastal plain near Matagorda Bay: sun, rich soil and abundant water. But after the driest year on record in Texas, the farmers might be without water for the first time. The Lower Colorado River Authority, which manages […]

Mild drought brought down Maya civilization: study

23 February 2012 (AFP) – The collapse of the Mayan civilization was likely due to a relatively mild drought, much like the drier conditions expected in the coming years due to climate change, scientists said Thursday. Scholars have long believed that a major drought caused severe dry conditions that killed off the ancient culture known […]

Graph of the Day: Cumulative Rainfall Anomalies for Southeastern Australia, January 1997 – December 2011

Cumulative rainfall anomalies for southeastern Australia starting from January 1997 to December 2011 in mm. Individual monthly anomalies are shown in the columns. An alternative way to consider the impact of the rainfall declines and recent rainfall is to look at the cumulative rainfall anomalies for southeastern Australia. The cumulative rainfall anomalies provide a measure […]

Graph of the Day: Australia Rainfall Deciles, 1 January 1997 – 31 December 2011

In light of the exceptionally wet two-year period (2010–2011) we have updated maps from the Special Climate Statement 22 which previously reported on the extended dry in southern areas. Arguably, and by many measures such as increases in soil moisture, refilling of dams, and frequent flooding etc., the long dry can now be said to […]

No more normal: Australia’s Big Wet and Long Term Dry

By Sou from Bundangawoolaran7 February 2012 Today the Bureau of Meteorology issued a Special Climate Statement: Australia’s wettest two year period on record; 2010-2011. The statement speaks for itself. There are towns this year, as there were last year, having record floods. Following the ‘Big Dry’ it would seem that Australia is no longer having […]

Weather forecasters: East Africa should be prepared for further food insecurity

By Katy Migiro; Editing by Rebekah Curtis13 February 2012 NAIROBI (AlertNet) – East Africa, still battling a hunger crisis, should be prepared for another dry spell and further food insecurity due to the persistence of La Niña weather conditions that last year brought severe drought to the region, weather forecasters have warned. “La Niña conditions […]

Texas drought: 20 percent of freshwater fish threatened with extinction

By John Nielsen-Gammon 13 February 2012 The University of Texas’s new Center for Integrated Earth System Science is hosting its first public event today: a water forum entitled “Texas Drought 2012 — Are We Prepared?” The morning talks featured status reports from various state and regional agencies, while the afternoon featured water research tools and capabilities […]

10 million face drought in the Sahel – ‘The cycles are getting closer together’

NIAMEY, Niger, 28 January 2012 (UPI) – An estimated 10 million people across Africa’s arid Sahel region are feeling the effects of drought, humanitarian agencies say. A survey by the U.N. Children’s Fund estimated there will be 1 million cases of severe malnutrition caused by the drought, with between 25 percent and 60 percent of […]

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