Map of the U.S. showing Democrats targeted by the Sarah Palin campaign in 2010, including Gaby Giffords. Graphic: SarahPAC

America 2011: Eliminationist rhetoric and political murder

9 January 2011 (Desdemona Despair) – In April 2010, actor Lance Baxter, known to many as the voice of the GEICO Gecko, left a voice mail for the “tea party” organization Freedom Works that asked how Freedom Works will “spin it when one of your members does actually kill somebody, wondering if you’ve got a […]

I Don't Believe in Global Warming, by Banksy, 20 December 2009. Photo: TheMammal via flickr

How global climate change may affect violence

July 18, 2010 (NNPA) – If global warming is a scientific fact, then we’d better be prepared for the earth to become a more violent place. That according to a recent Iowa State University study that shows as the earth’s average temperature rises, so too does violent tendencies in humans. Using U.S. government data on […]

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