By Terrence Henry 3 June 2013 (NPR) – Sno Cone stands are open, school’s almost out, and thermostats across the state are getting closer and closer to reading a hundred, if they haven’t already. As another summer approaches, Texans are wondering what kind of season is in store. If the forecasts of meteorologist Chris Coleman […]
By AUDREY McAVOY 3 June 2013 HONOLULU (Associated Press) – Part of what makes living in Hawaii so pleasant is the gentle breeze. Arriving from the northeast, it’s light enough that it is barely noticeable but strong enough to chase away the humidity. It’s a natural draw to the outdoors. It is not uncommon to […]
By Tim Johnson3 June 2013 SAN PEDRO YEPOCAPA, Guatemala (McClatchy) – Across Central America, even as rains arrive, many coffee plantations contain only spindly, nearly defoliated bushes, the result of a blight known as coffee leaf rust whose devastation, so far, has yet to affect the prices of premium highland coffee that baristas serve around […]
PORTLAND, Maine, 2 June 2013 (Associated Press) – The Atlantic puffin population is at risk in the United States, and there are signs the seabirds are in distress in other parts of the world. In the Gulf of Maine, the comical-looking seabirds have been dying of starvation and losing body weight, possibly because of shifting […]
By Stephen Leahy31 May 2013 REYKJAVÍK, Iceland (IPS) – Soil is becoming endangered. This reality needs to be part of our collective awareness in order to feed nine billion people by 2050, say experts meeting here in Reykjavík. And a big part of reversing soil decline is carbon, the same element that is overheating the […]
By Jenna Fugate31 May 2013 (National Journal) – Maybe a little bit, according a recent Gallup Poll showing increased concern over global warming among Republicans, many of whom have in the past considered climate change a false threat. Those looking for reasons to worry can turn to the the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Summary […]
By JOHN TAGLIABUE29 May 2013 GRINDELWALD, Switzerland (The New York Times) – Marco Bomio recalls that bright Sunday morning in June 2006 as if it were yesterday. Mr. Bomio, 59, a school principal and mountain guide, attended a religious service on a high mountain meadow to mark the founding of a local guide group. “Suddenly […]
[A warmer world is a wetter world: record rains on three continents. –Des] 31 May 2013 (Spiegel) – Rain, rain and, yes, more rain. Welcome to Germany! For weeks, rain has been pounding Germany, whose serotonin-sapped residents are straining to hold on to the last vestiges of hope after already having suffered through the darkest […]
BY PETRA LÖW29 May 2013 (WorldWatch Institute) – In 2012, there were 905 natural catastrophes worldwide, 93 percent of which were weather-related disasters. In terms of overall and insured losses (US$170 billion and $70 billion, respectively), 2012 did not follow the records set in 2011 and could be defined as a moderate year on a […]
By Dana Nuccitelli 28 May 2013 (The Guardian) – The Skeptical Science survey finding 97% expert consensus on human-caused global warming has drawn an incredible amount of media attention. Hundreds of media stories documented our survey and results. Lead author John Cook and I participated in a number of interviews to discuss the paper, including […]