Massive permafrost thaw documented in Canada, portending huge carbon release

BY Bob Berwyn28 February 2017 (InsideClimate News) – Huge slabs of Arctic permafrost in northwest Canada are slumping and disintegrating, sending large amounts of carbon-rich mud and silt into streams and rivers. A new study that analyzed nearly a half-million square miles in northwest Canada found that this permafrost decay is affecting 52,000 square miles […]

Ocean microbes making global warming worse

By John von Radowitz27 February 2017 (Irish Independent) – Microbes are generating a vast pool of marine methane that is contributing to global warming, scientists have confirmed. Scientists from Queen Mary, University of London, traced the source of methane in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Sediment collected from the ocean floor, where there is very little […]

Members of U.S. Congress met to discuss the costs of climate change. They ended up debating its existence.

By Chelsea Harvey 28 February 2017 (The Washington Post) – A hearing held Tuesday by several House subcommittees was meant to be an examination of the methods used to calculate an oft-contested metric known as the social cost of carbon, a way of quantifying the costs — environmental, health-related or otherwise — of emitting on […]

Chicago has no snow in January and February for the first time in 146 years of recordkeeping

By Lorraine Chow1 March 2017 CHICAGO (EcoWatch) – a city well known for its windy and snowy winters—is experiencing some unusually warm weather. For the first time in 146 years, there was no documented snow on the ground in January and February, according to the local National Weather Service. January and February are usually the […]

White House proposes steep budget cut to NOAA – “A reduced investment now would virtually guarantee jeopardizing the safety of the American public”

By Steven Mufson, Jason Samenow, and Brady Dennis 3 March 2017 (The Washington Post) – The Trump administration is seeking to slash the budget of one of the government’s premier climate science agencies by 17 percent, delivering steep cuts to research funding and satellite programs, according to a four-page budget memo obtained by The Washington […]

Deep oceans face starvation by end of century – “The rate of change underway in our oceans is faster than at any point we know of in geological history”

23 February 2017 (Heriot-Watt University) – New research from Heriot-Watt, published on open-access journal Elementa today, shows that food supply to some areas of the Earth’s deep oceans will decline by up to half by 2100. Dr Andrew Sweetman, associate professor at the Lyell Centre for Earth and Marine Science, and colleagues from 20 of […]

After ceremonial start, Iditarod heads to Fairbanks in search of snow

ANCHORAGE, Alaska, 5 March 2017 (Associated Press) – The sound of howling dogs filled downtown Anchorage on Saturday as mushers from around the world gathered for the ceremonial start of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. About 2,000 dogs belonging to 72 mushers waited their turn — some more patiently and less vocally than others […]

UN migration agency launches $24.6 million appeal for drought-hit Somalia – “None of our elders has ever seen a drought as severe as this one”

Somalia, 3 March 2017 (IOM) – In order to meet the emergency needs of over a million Somalis affected by drought, IOM in Somalia is scaling up lifesaving interventions throughout the country and appealing to international donors for funding. Humanitarian agencies report worrying similarities to the 2011 famine in Somalia, in which over a quarter […]

Study finds that tropics became uninhabitable during PETM mass extinction

WEST LAFAYETTE, Indiana, 3 March 2017 (Purdue University) – New research findings show that as the world warmed millions of years ago, conditions in the tropics may have made it so hot some organisms couldn’t survive. Longstanding theories dating to the 1980s suggest that as the rest of the earth warms, the tropical temperatures would […]

How disappearing sea ice has put Arctic ecosystem under threat

By Robin McKie4 March 2017 (The Guardian) – In a few days the Arctic’s beleaguered sea ice cover is likely to set another grim record. Its coverage is on course to be the lowest winter maximum extent ever observed since satellite records began. These show that more than 2 million square kilometres of midwinter sea […]

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