Graph of the Day: CO2 and acidity measurements at Monterey Bay, 1993-2010

8 August 2013 (CalEPA) – Carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered to be the largest and most important anthropogenic driver of climate change (see Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases indicator, page 19). CO2 is continuously exchanged between land, the atmosphere, and the ocean through physical, chemical, and biological processes (IPCC, 2007c). The ocean absorbs nearly one quarter of […]

Ocean species relocate in response to climate change, study finds

By Melissa Pandika13 September 2013 (Los Angeles Times) – As climate change heats our oceans, you’d expect temperature-sensitive marine species to flee poleward to cooler waters. So why have some headed to warmer regions toward the equator? Scientists have solved the puzzle. For the most part, these animals are relocating to cooler waters. But since […]

Image of the Day: Smoke from the Rim fire rising over Groveland, California, 28 August 2013

By Robin Wilkey 28 August 13 (Huffington Post) – In the tidal wave of Yosemite Rim Fire photos, no image has quite captured the awe and terror of the disaster for local residents quite like this shot of smoke over downtown Groveland. Almost as shocking as the photo itself is the source of the image: […]

Cost of battling massive Rim fire hits $100 million

By Robert J. Lopez9 September 2013 (Los Angeles Times) – The cost of battling the massive Rim fire raging in and around Yosemite National Park has reached $100 million, federal fire officials said Monday night. The blaze has charred 253,332 acres — or 396 square miles — of brush and timber after erupting in the […]

40,000 gallons of water stolen from Humboldt County school and town – ‘It’s disturbing that someone would put their own water needs before children’

By Catherine Wong5 September 2013 (The Times-Standard) – Bridgeville Elementary School was reopened Wednesday after being forced to close for a day when staff discovered up to 20,000 gallons of water had been stolen from an onsite water tank during the Labor Day weekend. ”There were tire tracks in the field on the south side […]

Graph of the Day: Annual groundwater withdrawal estimates by water-use class from the Death Valley regional flow system, 1913-1998

Groundwater pumpage within the Death Valley area began around 1913 in Pahrump Valley. Pumpage began mainly to support rising agricultural interests, but also supplied mining, industry, rural, and urban growth. The number of pumping wells in the region had increased from three in 1913 to over 9,300 in 1998. Pumpage for irrigation in the DVRFS […]

Image of the Day: Satellite view of smoke from the Rim Fire filling Yosemite Valley, 31 August 2013

By Holli Riebeek2 September 2013 (NASA) – Smoke from the Rim Fire choked Yosemite National Park during the busy Labor Day Weekend. Air quality reached unhealthy levels from Yosemite to the San Joaquin Valley, warned the National Weather Service in an air quality alert. Since fine particles in smoke can irritate the eyes and respiratory […]

Graph of the Day: Maximum and minimum temperatures in California, by region, 1950-2010

8 August 2013 (CalEPA) – Summertime (June-August) maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) temperatures have increased between 1950 and 2010 for each of the six climate regions.  The map of California climate regions is based on a space-time analysis of temperature extremes (see Richman and Lamb, 1985; Comrie and Glenn, 1998; Guirguis and Avissar, 2008 for […]

Video: Time lapse of Rim Fire viewed from Yosemite National Park, August 2013

28 August 2013 (USFS) – Time-lapse photography shows various perspectives of the 2013 Rim Fire, as viewed from Yosemite National Park. The first part of this video is from the Crane Flat Helibase. The fire is currently burning in wilderness and is not immediately threatening visitors or employees. The second half of the video is […]

Image of the Day: Satellite view of Rim fire entering Yosemite Valley, 26 August 2013

By Adam Voiland27 August 2013 (NASA) – On 26 August 2013, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this image of the Rim fire burning in and near Yosemite National Park. Red outlines indicate hot spots where MODIS detected unusually warm surface temperatures associated with fire. Rim Fire, California Technorati Tags: […]

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