William Happer, who serves on the National Security Council, is pushing to create a climate review panel that would question the overwhelming scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming. Photo: Albin Lohr-Jones

Trump administration hardens its attack on climate science – “It reminds me of the Soviet Union”

By Coral Davenport and Mark Landler 27 May 2019 WASHINGTON (The New York Times) – President Trump has rolled back environmental regulations, pulled the United States out of the Paris climate accord, brushed aside dire predictions about the effects of climate change, and turned the term “global warming” into a punch line rather than a prognosis. […]

Graph of the Day: U.S. measles cases, 2010 to 24 May 2019

24 May 2019 (CDC) – From 1 January 2019 to 24 May 2019, 940 individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 26 states. This is an increase of 60 cases from the previous week. This is the greatest number of cases reported in the U.S. since 1994 and since measles was declared eliminated in […]

U.S. environment agency cuts funding for kids’ health studies – “It works out perfectly for industry”

By Sara Reardon 13 May 2019 (Nature) – The Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health has tracked the lives of hundreds of children in New York City since 1998. Scientists have collected samples of blood, urine and even the air in children’s homes, starting when their subjects were in the womb, to tease out the […]

Trump Interior chief indifferent to record carbon dioxide levels – “I haven’t lost any sleep over it”

By Nichola Groom; Editing by Lisa Shumaker 15 May 2019 LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt told a panel of U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that he has not lost sleep over record amounts of carbon dioxide recorded in the Earth’s atmosphere, which scientists warn are altering the global climate. “I haven’t lost […]

Germany’s far-right AfD party turns on Swedish school-girl Greta Thunberg as it embraces climate denial

Germany’s far-right AfD party turns on Swedish school-girl Greta Thunberg as it embraces climate denial

By Kate Connolly 14 May 2019 BERLIN (The Guardian) – Germany’s rightwing populists are embracing climate change denial as the latest topic with which to boost their electoral support, teaming up with scientists who claim hysteria is driving the global warming debate and ridiculing the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg as “mentally challenged” and a fraud. The […]

U.S. Secretary of State says melting Arctic sea ice presents “new opportunities for trade” – Cancels trip to Greenland to observe melting glaciers – Denies climate change at Arctic Council meeting

U.S. Secretary of State says melting Arctic sea ice presents “new opportunities for trade” – Cancels trip to Greenland to observe melting glaciers – Denies climate change at Arctic Council meeting

By Conor Finnegan 9 May 2019 (ABC News) – Two days after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cut a stop from his trip to Germany, his office announced that he was canceling another visit — this time to Greenland, where Pompeo was to see melting glaciers at the forefront of climate change. Pompeo had to […]

Iran wasn’t ready for these huge floods, but they should get ready for more in the future – “Entire villages were washed away in a matter of minutes”

Iran wasn’t ready for these huge floods, but they should get ready for more in the future – “Entire villages were washed away in a matter of minutes”

By Shirin Jaafari 29 April 2019 (PRI) – Since March, Iran has been ravaged by record rainfall and unprecedented flash flooding. At least 26 of 31 provinces have been impacted by the deadly floods.  One city received 70% of its annual rainfall in a single day. Dozens of people have died. “This is the largest disaster to hit Iran in more than 15 years,” […]

Measles cases break record since disease was eliminated in United States in 2000 – “The suffering we are seeing is avoidable”

By Lena H. Sun 25 April 2019 (The Washington Post) – Measles cases in the United States have now exceeded the highest number on record in a single year since the disease was eliminated in 2000. Nationwide, 695 cases of the vaccine-preventable illness had been reported in 22 states this year, as of 3 p.m. Wednesday […]

Trump’s EPA science panel considers guidelines that upend basic air pollution science – “I just want to emphasize the fringe nature of these proposals”

Rebecca Hersher28 March 2019 (NPR) – Several members of a powerful science panel for the Environmental Protection Agency expressed doubt at a hearing Thursday about the long-established scientific consensus that air pollution can cause premature death. The panel was meeting to consider recommendations that would fundamentally change how the agency analyzes the public health dangers […]

Trump regulation rollbacks will result in more than 200 million tons of additional greenhouse emissions each year – “The Trump administration has taken historically unprecedented actions to roll back years of environmental progress”

WASHINGTON, D.C., 5 March 2019 (NYU School of Law) – Today, the State Energy & Environmental Impact Center at the NYU School of Law announced the release of a Special Report detailing the extensive climate change and public health damage caused by the Trump administration’s environmental deregulatory agenda. In its Special Report, titled “Climate & […]

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