Bloodshed looms in the Amazon unless Brazil government protects Indigenous peoples from illegal land seizures and logging – “Brazil’s Indigenous peoples and their land face enormous threats and the situation will soon become untenable in the dry season”

Bloodshed looms in the Amazon unless Brazil government protects Indigenous peoples from illegal land seizures and logging – “Brazil’s Indigenous peoples and their land face enormous threats and the situation will soon become untenable in the dry season”

7 May 2019 (Amnesty International) – There is an imminent risk of violent clashes in Brazil’s Amazon region unless the government protects Indigenous peoples’ traditional lands from increasing illegal land seizures and logging by armed intruders, Amnesty International warned today. Amnesty International recently visited three different Indigenous territories in northern Brazil where illegal intruders had […]

The world lost a Belgium-sized area of primary rainforests in 2018

By Mikaela Weisse and Liz Goldman 25 April 2019 (Global Forest Watch) – The tropics lost 12 million hectares of tree cover in 2018, the fourth-highest annual loss since record-keeping began in 2001. Of greatest concern is the disappearance of 3.6 million hectares of primary rainforest, an area the size of Belgium. The figures come […]

Due to humans, extinction risk for 1,700 animal species to increase by 2070 – “Losses in species populations can irreversibly hamper the functioning of ecosystems and human quality of life”

By Kendall Teare 4 March 2019 (Yale News) – As humans continue to expand our use of land across the planet, we leave other species little ground to stand on. By 2070, increased human land-use is expected to put 1,700 species of amphibians, birds, and mammals at greater extinction risk by shrinking their natural habitats, […]

Brazil’s government may push the Amazon to destruction

By Rodrigo de Oliveira Andrade24 January 2019 SÃO PAULO (SciDev.Net) – Brazil’s new government, led by President Jair Bolsonaro, has quickly taken steps to loosen environmental law enforcement. Now a review paper shows that the deforestation that could result may have terrible consequences for the Amazon rainforest, including dramatic biodiversity loss, intensified dry seasons, droughts, […]

In climate change fight, Brazil owes nothing, minister says

By Simone Preissler Iglesias, Mario Sergio Lima, and Bruce Douglas8 January 2019 (Bloomberg News) – Brazil owes nothing in the fight against global climate change and should be paid for its work so far, according to the country’s new environment minister. For Ricardo Salles, the Paris Accord in itself is neither good nor bad, but […]

Journalists reporting on the environment faced increased dangers in 2018

By Kaamil Ahmed4 January 2019 (Mongabay) – A pair of “French spies” had infiltrated India by sea to commit a “treasonous conspiracy,” an Indian minister claimed in late November. In reality, they were two visiting journalists, and their mission was an investigation into allegations of illegal sand mining in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. […]

Amazon deforestation increase continued in November 2018 – Deforestation was four times higher than in November 2017

By Stefania Costa 2 January 2019 (Imazon) – Deforestation continues to increase, according to data from the Deforestation Bulletin (SAD) November 2018 published today by Imazon. The state of Pará contributed with 63% of deforestation alerts registered in November 2018. The areas that suffered the most destruction are mainly in the northeast of the state, […]

Brazil’s new far-right government issues decrees across sectors – Indigenous land claims handed over to Agriculture Ministry

By Anthony Boadle2 January 2019 BRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazil’s new President Jair Bolsonaro set to work quickly on Wednesday, with his administration issuing decrees affecting the economy, agriculture and society, while forging closer political ties with the United States. Bolsonaro, a former army captain and seven-term congressman, won elections in October and was sworn in […]

Amazon deforestation in Brazil up 84 percent in September 2018

By Stefania Costa 29 October 2018(Imazon) – In September 2018, SAD detected 444 square kilometers of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, an increase of 84% compared to September 2017, when deforestation totaled 241 square kilometers. In September 2018, deforestation occurred in Amazonas (24%), Mato Grosso (23%), Rondônia (20%), Pará (19%), Acre (11%), Roraima ).Degraded forests […]

Scientists say halting deforestation “just as urgent” as reducing emissions – “Our planet’s future climate is inextricably tied to the future of its forests”

By Oliver Milman 4 October 2018 (The Guardian) – The role of forests in combating climate change risks being overlooked by the world’s governments, according to a group of scientists that has warned halting deforestation is “just as urgent” as eliminating the use of fossil fuels. Razing the world’s forests would release more than 3 […]

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