Imazon's SAD bulletin on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon for September 2018. In September 2018, 444 km² of deforestation were detected by SAD (deforestation alert system) in the Amazon rainforest. This number represents an increase of 84 percent over the same month of the previous year. Graphic: Imazon

By Stefania Costa
29 October 2018(Imazon) – In September 2018, SAD detected 444 square kilometers of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, an increase of 84% compared to September 2017, when deforestation totaled 241 square kilometers. In September 2018, deforestation occurred in Amazonas (24%), Mato Grosso (23%), Rondônia (20%), Pará (19%), Acre (11%), Roraima ).Degraded forests in the Amazon rainforest totaled 138 square kilometers in September 2018, a reduction of 96% compared to September 2017, when the forest degradation detected totaled 3,479 square kilometers. In September 2018, degradation was detected in the states of Mato Grosso (62%), Pará (22%), Roraima (6%), Rondônia (5%) and Amazonas (4%) and Acre (1%).In September 2018, the majority (58%) of deforestation occurred in private areas or under various stages of ownership. The remaining deforestation was registered in Agrarian Reform Settlements (24%), Conservation Units (14%), and Indigenous Lands (4%). [Translation by Google]

Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (setembro 2018) SAD