Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Wild bird populations continue to decline in UK

By Fiona Harvey, environment correspondent 17 October 2013 ( – The number of wild birds in the UK is still falling, despite efforts to protect them by changing farming practices. Conservationists have urged the environment secretary, Owen Paterson, to use the money newly available from the EU’s common agricultural policy to step up protection measures. […]

The ocean is broken – ‘We hardly saw any living things. We saw one whale, sort of rolling helplessly on the surface with what looked like a big tumour on its head.’

By Greg Ray 18 October 2013 (Newcastle Herald) – It was the silence that made this voyage different from all of those before it. Not the absence of sound, exactly. The wind still whipped the sails and whistled in the rigging. The waves still sloshed against the fibreglass hull. And there were plenty of other […]

‘Plastic Whale Project’ illustrates Great Pacific Garbage Patch problem

By Betsy Cohen17 October 2013 (Missoulian) – In the dark theater, on a dimly lit stage, a 32-foot-long gray whale made of plastic bags looked so lifelike, it seemed to be gliding through the depths of the ocean. As visitors came to see the one-day exhibit of “The Plastic Whale Project,” the iconic shape and […]

Scientists call to protect British Columbia’s 9,000-year-old sponge reefs

By Michael Mui    15 October 2013 (Toronto Sun) – A recently discovered B.C. colony of glass sponges — described as a marine “herd of dinosaurs” due to their supposed extinction 30 million years ago — is now at risk of destruction by fisheries. That’s unless protective bans are implemented in an area of Howe Sound […]

Graph of the Day: Percentage of low-income students in the United States, 2000 and 2011

By Lyndsey Layton (Washington Post) – A majority of students in public schools throughout the American South and West are low-income for the first time in at least four decades, according to a new study that details a demographic shift with broad implications for the country. The analysis by the Southern Education Foundation, the nation’s […]

Lionfish infestation in Atlantic Ocean a growing epidemic – ‘The lionfish invasion is probably the worst environmental disaster the Atlantic will ever face’

By Katie Linendoll, Special to CNN19 October 2013  (CNN) – The clear waters around Bermuda are as picturesque as you can imagine, and the brilliantly colored fish swimming around are like something from a crayon box. But a serious problem lurks behind the beautiful facade: the lionfish. Lionfish are not native to the Atlantic Ocean. […]

South Dakota cattle cataclysm: Why isn’t this horror news?

By Carrie Mess  14 October 2013 ( – If you aren’t in the agriculture world, you most likely haven’t heard about the devastating loss that ranchers in western South Dakota are struggling with after being hit by winter storm Atlas. For some reason the news stations aren’t covering this story. I don’t understand why they […]

Water radiation soars at Fukushima nuclear plant – Strontium readings spike 6,500-fold in one day

FUKUSHIMA (AFP-JIJI) – Radiation levels in groundwater under Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant are soaring, Tepco said Friday after taking samples from an observation well. Tepco said 400,000 becquerels per liter of beta ray-emitting substances such as strontium were detected in water sampled Thursday from the well located some 15 meters […]

Global warming is already causing animals to evolve and migrate – ‘'The chipmunks’ poor prospects are evident in their genes’

By Sarah Griffiths17 October 2013 (Daily Mail) – From chipmunks to Mediterranean spiders, animals are evolving to cope with the effects of hotter temperatures, a scientist has claimed. DNA evidence suggests the European wasp spider is evolving into a new form and is moving to cooler regions to set up home in parts of northern […]

Cyclone Phailin impact spreads, thousands stranded by floods – ‘The paddy crop has been destroyed completely’

By Nita Bhalla in NEW DELHI and Manoj Chaurasia in PATNA15 October 2013 BHUBANESWAR, India (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Thousands of people were left stranded by floods on Tuesday as the powerful cyclone which pounded the east coast over the weekend moved inland, bringing heavy rains and hindering rescue and relief operations, aid workers and […]

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