Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Insurers blame climate change for rising costs

Even in areas with no flooding history, flood related insurance payments are up 15 percent By Andrew Donoghue, BusinessGreen, Businesses that may already be struggling to comprehend and comply with climate-related legislation will soon face another environmental burden – rising buildings insurance. That is the conclusion of the latest quarterly study from the AA British […]

Desperate Arizona state may sell Capitol buildings

Under GOP plan, government would pay to lease back most of the sites By Matthew Benson and JJ Hensley, The Arizona Republic Call it a sign of desperate times: Legislators are considering selling the House and Senate buildings where they’ve conducted state business for more than 50 years. Dozens of other state properties also may […]

Climate change worsens U.S. beachwater pollution

WASHINGTON, DC, July 29, 2009 (ENS) – Polluted water at American beaches jeopardized the health of swimmers last year and climate change is making conditions worse, according to the 19th annual beachwater quality report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council. Climate change is expected to further increase the presence of pathogens that cause […]

Oceans becoming more acidic, endangering sea life

By Art Chimes, Washington, D.C. Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are a major contributor to climate change, and now a new study has confirmed that atmospheric CO2 is also affecting the ocean chemistry, potentially threatening marine life. Montana State University scientist Robert Dore has been taking samples of water in the Pacific […]

Graph of the Day: Sequential Collapse of Marine Mammals in the North Pacific Ocean and southern Bering Sea

By Gloria MaenderOctober 2003 The rapid removal of at least half a million great whales from the North Pacific Ocean by intensive industrial whaling more than 50 years ago may have unleashed a complex ecological chain reaction that has since rippled resoundingly from ocean to coastal ecosystems, according to a team of eight scientists, including […]

Climate change to force 75 million Pacific Islanders from their homes

More than 75 million people living on Pacific islands will have to relocate by 2050 because of the effects of climate change, Oxfam has warned. By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney A report by the charity said Pacific Islanders were already feeling the effects of global warming, including food and water shortages, rising cases of malaria […]

Over three million acres of US forest expected to burn in second half of 2009

By Brian Merchant, Brooklyn, New York Researchers have a dire forecast for the next six months in the western US: it’ll be exceptionally hot, very dry, and 3.66 million acres will be scorched by fires. Apologies for the End of Days-y language, but the truth is that the researchers who compile the national drought and […]

Australia and the Pacific 'becoming extinction hotspots'

The Earth is in the throes of its “sixth great extinction event” and Australia and the Pacific are becoming the worst regions for the destruction of animals and plants, a study has found. By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney Land clearing and overlogging of forests have been highlighted as the greatest threats to land-based flora and […]

Graph of the Day: S&P 500 Earnings, 1936-2009

Via The Oil Drum: Today’s chart provides some perspective on the current earnings environment by focusing on 12-month, as reported S&P 500 earnings. Today’s chart illustrates how earnings are expected (38% of S&P 500 companies have reported for Q2 2009) to have declined over 98% since peaking in Q3 2007, making this by far the […]

When rain falls on snow, Arctic animals starve

By Christopher Joyce When wildlife biologists visited a remote spot in Canada called Banks Island in the spring of 2004, they discovered thousands upon thousands of dead musk oxen. It took years to determine the cause. They called it “rain-on-snow” — the worst case of it ever documented. “Long story short, about 20,000 musk oxen […]

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