Conservative groups spend $1 billion a year to fight action on climate change – ‘It is not just a couple of rogue individuals doing this. This is a large-scale political effort.’

By Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent 20 December 2013 ( – Conservative groups have spent $1bn a year on the effort to deny science and oppose action on climate change, according to the first extensive study into the anatomy of the anti-climate effort. The anti-climate effort has been largely underwritten by conservative billionaires, often working […]

Locals marvel and worry at the ‘snow shortage’ in Siberia – ‘I cannot believe my eyes. This doesn’t happen.’

By Anna Liesowska17 December 2013 (Siberian Times) – We highlight December images taken in recent days in two Siberian cities Krasnoyarsk and Barnaul showing scenes that locals insist are unprecedented in living memory. The startling pictures from Krasnoyarsk show an almost total absence of snow yet as every school child around the world knows, snow […]

Australia Climate Council warns on big and frequent bushfires

By Matt Johnston9 December 2013 (Herald Sun) – Victorians should prepare for more intense bushfires to flare up more often, a report on climate change warns.  The Climate Council, which was the government funded Climate Commission before Prime Minister Tony Abbott removed it from the public purse, will release its report into bushfire risks today. […]

Graph of the Day: November 2013 global land and ocean temperature anomalies

17 December 2013 (NCDC) – According to NOAA scientists, the globally averaged temperature over land and ocean surfaces for November 2013 was the highest for November since record keeping began in 1880. It also marked the 37th consecutive November and 345th consecutive month (more than 28 years) with a global temperature above the 20th century […]

Maine governor: Stop being so negative about global warming

By Tom Moroney    18 December 2013  (Bloomberg News) – Paul LePage, Maine governor and climate-change skeptic, has found a new way to enrage environmentalists. Global warming is not only real, he now says: It’s a gold mine. Specifically, the Arctic ice melt could create faster shipping routes to Europe, Russia, and Asia and a chance […]

Global warming: The changing face of the Arctic

By Nicole Mortillaro      9 December 2013 TORONTO (Global News) – Autumns are now longer and warmer than they once were in the Arctic, and the first cases of sunburn were reported to researchers by Inuit in Tuktoyaktuk, according to a study on the effects of climate change on the Inuit culture. In the same study, […]

Canada government under fire for spying on environmental groups –‘What Harper has done is to take the spy agencies of the federal government of Canada and put them at the service of private companies like Enbridge’

By Krystle Alarcon and Matthew Millar 21 November 2013 (Vancouver Observer) – Politicians, environmentalists and First Nations alike are infuriated that the federal government worked hand-in-hand with the oil industry to spy on groups that opposed pipeline projects. Documents obtained by the Vancouver Observer under the Access to Information Privacy Act revealed that the National […]

Ancestors’ exposure to DDT may contribute to obesity, study says

By Tony Barboza23 October 2013 (Los Angeles Times) – Exposure to the pesticide DDT could be playing a role in high rates of obesity three generations later, a new study says. Scientists injected pregnant rats with DDT and found no change in their levels of obesity or their offspring. But by the third generation, more […]

Mining dwarfs farming as threat to health of Great Barrier Reef, marine scientist warns –‘One more stress that could have been avoided’

By Bridie Smith 12 December 2013 (Sydney Morning Herald) – Mining poses a greater threat to the health of the Great Barrier Reef than agriculture, according to one marine scientist who has cast doubt on the federal government’s prediction that water quality will improve along the reef coast. On Tuesday federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt […]

Inside China’s desperate effort to control pollution, before it’s too late

By Ari Phillips    26 November 2013 (Climate Progress) – If James Carville was giving the Chinese government public relations advice, he might say something like, “It’s the pollution, stupid.” But this wouldn’t be anything the Chinese government doesn’t already know. When eight-year-olds start getting lung cancer that can be attributed to air pollution, you’ve got […]

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