A Reuters journalist chats with a Chinese chemical seller about the availability of 1-boc-4-piperidone, a core fentanyl precursor, in December 2023. “Eva Luna” is the reporter’s username. Photo: REUTERS

We bought everything needed to make $3 million worth of fentanyl. All it took was $3,600 and a web browser.

By Maurice Tamman, Laura Gottesdiener, and Stephen Eisenhammer 25 July 2024 (Reuters) – A cardboard box half the size of a loaf of bread bore a shipping label declaring its contents: “Adapter.” It was delivered in October to a Reuters reporter in Mexico City. There was no adapter inside that package. Instead, sealed in a […]

Biggest opioid manufacturers, 2006-2012. Three companies manufactured 88 percent of the opioids: SpecGx, a subsidiary of Mallinckrodt; Actavis Pharma; and Par Pharmaceutical, a subsidiary of Endo Pharmaceuticals. Data: DEA. Graphic: The Washington Post

76 billion opioid pills: Newly released federal data unmasks the epidemic – “America should brace itself for the harsh reality of the scope of the opioid epidemic”

By Scott Higham, Sari Horwitz, and Steven Rich 16 July 2019 (The Washington Post) – America’s largest drug companies saturated the country with 76 billion oxycodone and hydrocodone pain pills from 2006 through 2012 as the nation’s deadliest drug epidemic spun out of control, according to previously undisclosed company data released as part of the […]

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