U.S. drought of 2012 rivals Dust Bowl

By Nick Wiltgen16 July 2012 The 2012 drought disaster is now the largest in over 50 years, and among the ten largest of the past century, according to a new report released by the National Climatic Data Center today. As The Weather Channel reported in an exclusive preview of the report Sunday, data computed from […]

Third landslide hits Kootenays

By C. Reynolds, creynolds@vancouversun.com 18 July 2012 Heavy rains caused mudslides and severe flooding in the West Kootenays on Tuesday, leading to evacuations and the temporary closure of Highway 3A in both directions just north of Castlegar. Set off by a thunderstorm, the slides occurred in the hamlet of Thrums late Tuesday afternoon. Mud, water […]

Video: Is it now possible to blame extreme weather on global warming?

By Leo Hickman 3 July 2012 Whenever an episode of extreme weather – heatwave, flood, drought, etc – hits the headlines, someone somewhere is sure to point the finger of blame at human-induced climate change. Such claims are normally slapped down with the much-aired mantra: “You cannot blame a single episode of bad weather on […]

Heaviest rains in 60 years kill 37 in Beijing

Reporting by Ben Blanchard; editing by Andrew Roche22 July 2012 (Reuters) – The Chinese capital’s heaviest rainstorm in six decades killed at least 37 people, flooded streets and stranded 80,000 people at the main airport, state media and the government said on Sunday. The storm, which started on Saturday afternoon and continued late into the […]

Fukushima nuclear plant subcontractor orders workers to falsify radiation exposure

By arevamirpal::laprimavera 20 July 2012 Mr. Tomohiko Suzuki, journalist who went to work at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant last year to report how it really was in the plant, said the workers use a variety of ways to lower (i.e., fake) the radiation exposure as measured by their dosimeters. One of the ways is […]

Tanker charters at 17-month low as China demand slides

By Rob Sheridan18 July 2012 The largest oil-tankers booked to haul 2 million-barrel cargoes of crude from ports in the Persian Gulf are poised to slump to a 17-month low as a slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy curbs oil demand. Charters of very large crude carriers to ship Middle East crude will probably fall […]

Image of the Day: Satellite view of iceberg calving from Petermann Glacier, 17 July 2012

Caption by Michon Scott with information from Walt Meier and Ted Scambos, National Snow and Ice Data Center; and Konrad Steffen, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research.17 July 2012 The Petermann Glacier grinds and slides toward the sea along the northwestern coast of Greenland, terminating in a giant floating ice tongue. Like […]

Midwest U.S. ranchers cull cattle as drought shrivels crops, pasture – No relief for weeks – ‘I have never seen anything like this’

By Carey Gillam, with additional reporting by Michael Hirtzer and Karl Plume in Chicago; Editing by K.T. Arasu, John Picinich, and Sofina Mirza-Reid13 July 2012 CENTERVILLE, Iowa (Reuters) – Ranchers are rushing to sell off some of their cattle as the worst drought in nearly 25 years dries up pastures, thins hay supplies, and sends […]

Climategate detective: ‘I’m deeply disappointed’ we didn’t catch hacker

By Leo Hickman    20 July 2012 Norfolk police’s Julian Gregory explains why investigation into the University of East Anglia’s hacked emails was so complex On Wednesday, Norfolk Police announced that it was formally ending its two-and-a-half-year investigation into the theft of thousands of private emails stored on servers at the University of East Anglia‘s Climatic […]

Yemen’s children caught in food crisis – ‘This is the worst crisis faced by Yemen in my lifetime’

By Iona Craig, Special for USA TODAY21 July 2012 MARALI, Yemen – In this village under the sweltering summer heat of Yemen’s Red Sea coastal region, six women and a small boy huddle on the floor around a plate of watery tomato sauce mixed with fish remnants. Judging by his size, the boy looks about […]

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