Rosewood logs said to have been cut in Makira Natural Park, one of Madagascar's largest protected areas.
September 06, 2010 Despite government assurances that it would crack down on the rosewood trade, illegal logging continues in Madagascar’s rainforest parks, according to new information provided by sources on the ground. The sources report logging in three parks: Mananara, Makira, and Masoala. All three are known for their high levels of biodiversity, including endangered lemurs. Rosewood logs are being transported to Tamatave (Toamasina), Madagascar’s main port, despite a national moratorium on logging and export of precious hardwoods. Most rosewood ends up going to China, where it is in high demand for furniture. The Malagasy sources report that local law enforcement—the new Brigade Mixte Forestière established to reduce logging—is impeded the Forest Ministry (Ministère de l’Environnement et des Forêts – MEF), which has failed to grant them the right to use search warrants on private property. The sources also claim that rosewood confiscated by authorities is being stolen from official stockpiles. …

Despite pledge to crack down, illegal logging continues in Madagascar’s rainforest parks