“Urgent wake-up call” for male health as sperm counts plummet globally

By Clive Cookson 25 July 2017 (Financial Times) – The sperm count of men in the western world has fallen by more than half over a period of 40 years, according to an international study described by its authors as “an urgent wake-up call” about declining male health. “Decreasing sperm count has been of great […]

Study projects deaths from heat and cold for 10 U.S. cities through 2090 – “These results show the cost in terms of human lives due to just this one aspect of climate change: temperature”

PROVIDENCE, R.I., 25 July 2017 (Brown University) – A new study projects that if climate change continues unabated, heat-related deaths will rise dramatically in 10 major U.S. metropolitan areas compared to if the predicted increase in global warming is substantially curbed and cities take steps to adapt. “The conversation about climate change is typically focused […]

After months of water rationing, Nairobi may run dry – “Our underground rivers have dried up”

By Cathy Watson 24 July 2017 (The Guardian) – For the team managing Nairobi’s water, the stakes have never been so high. Water-rationing has been going on in Kenya’s capital since 1 January 2017, and supplies might run dry by September. The last two rainy seasons were dismal; more rain is not expected until October […]

Industrial farming disrupts burn-regrowth cycle in grasslands, study finds – “Humans are interrupting the ancient, natural cycle of burning and recovery”

Irvine, California, 29 June 2017 (UCI) – The world’s open grasslands and the beneficial fires that sustain them have shrunk rapidly over the past two decades, thanks to a massive increase in agriculture, according to a new study led by University of California, Irvine and NASA researchers published today in Science.Analyzing 1998 to 2015 data […]

A climate chain reaction: Major Greenland melting could devastate crops in Africa

By Chelsea Harvey 6 June 2017 (The Washington Post) – As melting Greenland glaciers continue to pour ice into the Arctic Ocean, we have more than the rising seas to worry about, scientists say. A new study suggests that if it gets large enough, the influx of freshwater from the melting ice sheet could disrupt […]

New study ranks 100 solutions to global warming. At the top: Educating girls and family planning.

By David Roberts 10 May 2017 (Vox) – By now, the looming dangers of climate change are clear to anyone who’s been paying attention, covered extensively in both academic literature and the popular press. But what about solutions? For all the hand-wringing on climate change over the years, discussion of solutions remains puzzlingly anemic and […]

Scientists foresee sharp rise in deadly heat stress as global temperatures climb – “Because the response is nonlinear, for each fraction of a degree the climate warms, the increase in heat stress is ever greater”

27 March 2017 (Loughborough University) – In December 2015, the international community pledged to limit global warming to below 2°C to prevent dangerous climate change. However, new analysis suggests that even if this target is met, the dangers to society posed by heat stress are likely to escalate. Writing in the Proceedings of the National […]

Australia State of the Environment report highlights threat of coal mining, urban growth, invasive species, and global warming

By Henry Belot7 March 2017 (ABC News) – The Government has no comprehensive national plan to protect Australia’s landscape to the year 2050, according to a report, which also warns of the potentially irreversible impact of climate change and the threats of coal mining, invasive species, rubbish, urban growth and habitat destruction. The State of […]

New research shows how rapid growth in resource use, land use, emissions, and pollution makes humans the dominant driver of changes in Earth’s natural systems

COLLEGE PARK, Maryland, 9 February 2017 (University of Maryland) – A new scientific paper by a University of Maryland-led international team of distinguished scientists, including five members of the National Academies, argues that there are critical two-way feedbacks missing from current climate models that are used to inform environmental, climate, and economic policies. The most […]

South Pacific sea-Level rise migrants on the move

By Henry Oritimae and Sonal Shivangani15 December 2016 SUVA, Fiji (IDN) – With sea levels rising rapidly across the South Pacific and the resulting movement of people within and across countries, the region is facing a new problem of a lack of proper migration policies to address the issue, according to experts. Inhabitants of artificial […]

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