Graph of the Day: Global increase in herbicide-resistant weeds, 1957-2015

15 April 2015 ( – The International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds is a collaborative effort between weed scientists in over 80 countries.  Our main aim is to maintain scientific accuracy in the reporting of herbicide resistant weeds globally.  This collaborative effort is supported by government, academic, and industry weed scientists worldwide.  This project is […]

Forbidden data: Wyoming just criminalized citizen science – First state to enact a law so expansive that it criminalizes taking pictures on public land

By Justin Pidot 11 May 2015 (Slate) – Imagine visiting Yellowstone this summer. You wake up before dawn to take a picture of the sunrise over the mists emanating from Yellowstone hot springs. A thunderhead towers above the rising sun, and the picture turns out beautifully. You submit the photo to a contest sponsored by […]

Photo gallery: Historic water crisis in São Paulo ‘has come to stay. You have to look at it as permanent.’

By Philip Ross 7 May 2015 (IBT) – Instead of rain, São Paulo has cracked earth and chaos as a devastating drought is making enemies out of neighbors in Brazil’s largest city, the site of a historic water shortage the likes of which hasn’t been seen in decades. Many residents have gone to drastic measures […]

Toxic plastic found in the world’s favorite fish

By John R. Platt 7 May 2015  (Takepart) – For the first time, plastic particles have been found in the stomachs of tuna and other fish that are a staple of the human diet. More than 18 percent of sampled bluefin, albacore, and swordfish caught in the Mediterranean Sea and tested in 2012 and 2013 […]

Lawsuit seeks to halt California wastewater injections

By Richard Nemec 8 May 2015 (NGI) – A trio of environmental groups in California on Thursday filed a complaint in state Superior Court seeking to have declared illegal new state interim rules governing oil/gas operators’ use of wastewater injection wells (see Daily GPI, April 24). The lawsuit by Earthjustice on behalf of the Center […]

How to misinterpret climate change research – Research into the cooling impact of aerosols sends climate contrarians into a tailspin

By Gayathri Vaidyanathan23 April 2015 (Scientific American) – Slivers of dust float in the upper atmosphere, scattering the sun’s rays back into space and cooling the planet in some places. In other places, the particles warm the planet. The equivocation has meant that the particles, known as aerosols, are a significant wild card in our […]

Prolonged exposure to air pollution linked to brain damage, new study finds – ‘Long-term exposure to air pollution showed harmful effects on the brain, even at low levels’

By Marilyn Malara 25 April 2015 BOSTON (UPI) – A new study confirms that long-term exposure to air pollution –even at low levels – can lead to brain damage that precedes other neurological disorders associated with old age. Investigator Elissa Wilker of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the […]

Image of the Day: Satellite view of Siberia smoke crossing the Pacific Ocean to North America, 18 April 2015

By Adam Voiland18 April 2015 (NASA) – In a reminder of the interconnectedenss of our atmosphere, smoke that originated in Siberia had reached the West Coast of North America when the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) captured this image on April 18, 2015. The smoke likely came from wildfires burning in the steppe of southern […]

Smoke from massive Siberia wildfires turns sunsets fiery red in U.S. Pacific Northwest

By Scott Sistek   19 Apr 2015 (KOMO News) – The scenes have almost felt like they’re out of Hollywood imagination — brilliant red sunrises and sunsets the last couple of days around Western Washington. Why so red? It’s a byproduct of the massive wildfires that recently burned a large area in Siberia. The atmospheric winds […]

Stench of dead fish in Rio lake won’t spoil Olympic Games, officials hope

By Bruce Douglas17 April 2015 Rio de Janeiro (The Guardian) – Below the open arms of the statue of Christ the Redeemer, and not far from the upmarket neighbourhood of Ipanema, the Rodrigo de Freitas lake is usually a popular spot for Rio’s cyclists, joggers and coconut sellers. But over the last few days the […]

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