Malaysia environment minister: ‘Unless there is rain, there is no way human intervention can put out the Indonesia fires’

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, 19 October 2015 (AFP) – International efforts to douse raging Indonesia fires will fail and Southeast Asia could face several more weeks of choking smoke until the rainy season starts, Malaysia’s environment minister warned on Monday, October 19. Facing growing pressure, Indonesia earlier this month agreed to accept international help after failing […]

Smoke from Indonesia fires causes 500,000 cases of acute respiratory illness – ‘This is a crime against humanity of extraordinary proportions’

[Long-time Desdemona readers will recall that smoke from peatland fires killed many people in Moscow in 2010. Dense wildfire smog grips Moscow in heatwave, Heat probably killed thousands in Moscow –Des] By Kate Lamb26 October 2015 (Jakarta) – Raging forest fires across Indonesia are thought to be responsible for up to half a million cases […]

A megacity without water: São Paulo’s drought

By Jon Gerberg13 October 2015 (TIME) – The biggest city in the Western hemisphere is facing its greatest water crisis in over 80 years — and climate change is only part of the problem. Millions of residents in São Paulo, Brazil face daily water shutoffs unless the city manages its water better. It is not […]

Image of the Day: Satellite view of the growth of Manila, 1988-2014

31 January 1988   7 February 2014 By Adam Voiland14 October 2015 (NASA) – White-flowered mangroves—nila in Tagalog—once crowded the shores of the Pasig River, a tidal waterway in the Philippines that connects Laguna de Bay with the South China Sea. The flowers were so numerous that the settlement at the western end of the […]

Rolling Stone exposé of Koch Brothers’ toxic empire draws fire from ‘Koch Facts’ – Author Tim Dickinson refutes their claims point-by-point

By Tim Dickinson 24 September 2014 (Rolling Stone) – The enormity of the Koch fortune is no mystery. Brothers Charles and David are each worth more than $40 billion. The electoral influence of the Koch brothers is similarly well-chronicled. The Kochs are our homegrown oligarchs; they’ve cornered the market on Republican politics and are nakedly […]

Video: Indonesia forest fires on track to emit more CO2 than UK

By Damian Carrington  7 October 2015 (The Guardian) – Fires raging across the forests and peatlands of Indonesia are on track to pump out more carbon emissions than the UK’s entire annual output, Greenpeace has warned. As well as fuelling global warming, the thick smoke choking cities in the region is likely to cause the […]

Scientists say dramatic worldwide coral bleaching event is underway, beginning in 2014 with ‘the highest thermal stress we’ve ever seen’

By Chris Mooney8 October 2015 (The Washington Post) – For just the third time on record, scientists say they are now watching the unfolding of a massive worldwide coral bleaching event, spanning the globe from Hawaii to the Indian Ocean. And they fear that thanks to warm sea temperatures, the ultimate result could be the […]

Photo gallery: Bangalore’s lake of toxic foam

By Debasish Ghosh1 October 2015 (The Guardian) – IT professional Debasish Ghosh has been documenting toxic foam in the Indian city’s polluted lake system. The snowy froth, a cocktail of chemicals and sewage, has a pungent odour and causes irritation on contact with the skin. Bangalore was once known for its interconnected lake systems which […]

Plastic for dinner: A quarter of fish sold at markets contain human-made debris

24 September 2015 (University of California, Davis) – Roughly a quarter of the fish sampled from fish markets in California and Indonesia contained human-made debris — plastic or fibrous material — in their guts, according to a study from the University of California, Davis, and Hasanuddin University in Indonesia. The study, published today in the […]

River turns red as Siberia gold mine blamed for ‘serious’ pollution and ‘significant violations’

24 September 2015 (The Siberian Times) – Residents in the TransBaikal district of Mogochinsky reported the ‘unnatural’ colour of the Itaka River prompting a full-scale health alert. Local environmental officials blame ‘significant violations’ at a local gold mine amid concerns for people living downstream of the pollution outbreak. The district’s administration chief Dmitry Plyukhin said: […]

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