By Jim Polson; editors: Tony Cox, Kim Jordan May 18 (Bloomberg) — Tar balls collected by Key West, Florida, park rangers yesterday have been shipped for analysis to determine if they came from BP Plc’s leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico, the U.S. Coast Guard said. A Coast Guard helicopter will carry a trained […]
(University of Virginia) Kudzu, an invasive vine that is spreading across the southeastern United States and northward, is a major contributor to large-scale increases of the pollutant surface ozone, according to a study published the week of May 17 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Kudzu, a leafy vine native […]
By David A. Fahrenthold and Juliet EilperinWashington Post Staff WriterSaturday, May 15, 2010 ELMERS ISLAND, LA. — The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has not yet caused coastal damage on the scale of the Exxon Valdez disaster. But scientists say it is becoming something different and potentially much more troubling: the first massive […]
Today’s MODIS / Terra satellite image is the most cloud-free we’ve seen in many days, and what it reveals is disturbing: part of the still-massive Gulf oil slick has apparently been entrained in the strong Loop Current, and is rapidly being transported to the southeast toward Florida. The total area covered by slick and sheen, […]
Riser Insertion Tube Leak Mitigation Tactic is Tested The Unified Area Command reports that overnight the Riser Insertion Tube Tool was successfully tested and inserted into the leaking riser, capturing some amounts of oil and gas. The oil was stored on board the Discoverer Enterprise drill ship 5,000 feet above on the water’s surface, and […]
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Children exposed to pesticides known as organophosphates could have a higher risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a new study. Researchers tracked the pesticides’ breakdown products in kids’ urine and found those with high levels were almost twice as likely to develop ADHD as those with undetectable levels. The […]
NOAA continues to provide scientific support including: modeling the trajectory and location of the oil, conducting shoreline oil assessment surveys, conducting oil chemistry analyses and evaluating open water and shoreline remediation techniques. Undersea dispersant application resumed this morning and BP is doing continuous testing. If tests reveal something we are concerned about the dispersant application […]
By JASON DEAREN (AP) NEW ORLEANS — Researchers tracking the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico say computer models show the black ooze may have already entered a major current flowing toward the Florida Keys, and are sending out a research vessel to learn more. William Hogarth, dean of the University of South […]
BAGHDAD, Iraq, May 14, 2010 (ENS) – Clean drinking water is an increasingly scarce resource for millions of people in Iraq, according to a new report released today by the International Committee of the Red Cross. The agency says its engineers are doing their best to improve access to safe water in the face of […]
By The Times-PicayuneMay 16, 2010, 11:50AM BP has successfully inserted a tube into the broken pipe at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and is collecting some, but not all, of the leaking oil, officials said. The Joint Information Center reported that the riser insertion tube tool was successfully tested and inserted into the […]