Degraded oil from BP spill coats Gulf seafloor

By Brett Israel,  Tue Sep 21, 8:31 pm ET NEW YORK – Now that BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil well has been sealed, the long, hard work of assessing the damage begins even as the oil is dispersing throughout the Gulf. A research team from Columbia University in New York returned this past weekend (Sept. […]

Study: Human exposure to BPA ‘grossly underestimated’

By GAYATHRI VAIDYANATHAN of GreenwireSeptember 20, 2010 Americans are likely to be exposed at higher levels than previously thought to bisphenol A, a compound that mimics hormones important to human development and is found in more than 90 percent of people in the United States, according to new research. U.S. EPA says it is OK […]

U.S. government: No sign of undersea plume from BP Gulf oil spill

By Chris Baltimore; editing by Mohammad ZarghamTue Sep 21, 2010 5:17pm EDT HOUSTON (Reuters) – The government is unable to confirm reports of a miles-long plume of oil lurking beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico from BP Plc’s giant oil spill, a government scientist said on Tuesday. The government confirmed on Sunday that […]

Louisiana authorities report oil sightings from Gulf of Mexico spill

Times-Picayune StaffMonday, September 20, 2010, 4:53 PM     Plaquemines Parish Tuesday Heavy oil sheen 1.6 miles east-southeast of Bay La Mer. An area of tar patties with sheen, 30 feet long, 1.4 miles east of Bay La Mer. An area of tar balls, 20 feet long by 2 feet wide, in Bayou Chaland 0.65 mile west  […]

Advocates of Gulf oil spill berms not deterred by environmental regulators’ misgivings

By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune Monday, September 20, 2010, 11:15 PM Despite serious questions raised by federal regulators about the project’s environmental impacts, Louisiana coastal officials will continue to build six barrier berms to capture oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill, a building effort that will result in about 25 miles of 6-foot-high sand and […]

Dust hastens Colorado River snowmelt, cuts flow

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological SurveyReleased: 9/20/2010 4:00:00 PM WASHINGTON — Dust caused by human activities in the American desert Southwest is a contributing factor in speeding up the melting of snow and reducing runoff in the mountains of the Colorado River basin, according to a new study led by NASA and co-authored […]

Chesapeake Bay progress uneven, study shows

Data suggest sewage upgrades working, farm runoff controls aren’t By Timothy B. Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun September 15, 2010 A new study shows some Chesapeake Bay rivers have gotten cleaner over the past three decades, while others are getting worse. The analysis, released Wednesday by the U.S. Geological Survey, suggests costly upgrades of sewage plants […]

Natural gas from ruptured Gulf well remained trapped in deep waters

By PAUL VOOSEN of GreenwireSeptember 17, 2010 Perhaps it should have been called the Gulf of Mexico gas spill. A vast majority of the natural gas that billowed out of BP PLC’s failed well in the Gulf this summer did not escape to the surface and atmosphere. Instead, the gas — including its main component, […]

At least 258 Alabama residents have reported suspected oil-related health issues

By Casandra Andrews, Press-Register Friday, September 17, 2010, 4:30 PM     MOBILE, Alabama — The number of residents reporting oil-related health affects from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill continues to rise in coastal Alabama. At least 258 people have gone to local emergency rooms, clinics and urgent care centers since May 14 complaining of ailments […]

BP oil spill: Disaster by numbers

The scale of the BP oil spill can be hard to take in. Now, five months on, these shocking figures reveal the extent of the devastation. Compiled by Alice-Azania Jarvis14 September 2010 11 platform workers were killed when the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded on 20 April. Their bodies have never been found, despite a […]

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