By Chris Buckley, with additional reporting by David Gray in Baotou and Sabrina Mao in Beijing; editing by Ken Wills and Jonathan ThatcherWed Nov 3, 2010 2:22am EDT BAOTOU China (Reuters) – China’s quest for a green future built on rare earths metals seems a world away from Ren Limin as he casts lumps of […]
By David Hammer, The Times-Picayune Thursday, October 28, 2010, 12:30 PM National Oil Spill Commission investigators have found that the Halliburton cement used to seal the bottom of BP’s wild Gulf well in April was unstable and was used despite multiple failed tests in the weeks leading up to the massive well blowout. What’s more, […]
By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent27 Oct 2010 Butterflies and bees are declining because of the loss of wild flowers in the countryside, according to a major Government report. A team of researcher from the Centre for Hydrology and Ecology (CEH) monitored 500 plots of ‘semiwild’ land across the UK between 1990 and 2007 on the […]
ScienceDaily (Oct. 26, 2010) — As the ice-capped Arctic Ocean warms, ship traffic will increase at the top of the world. And if the sea ice continues to decline, a new route connecting international trading partners may emerge — but not without significant repercussions to climate, according to a U.S. and Canadian research team that […]
By Bob Marshall, The Times-Picayune Saturday, October 23, 2010, 7:22 PM A Coast Guard official said Saturday the orange substance floating in miles-wide areas of West Bay on the Mississippi River delta appears to be algae, not oil as reported Saturday morning by The Times-Picayune. Lt. Cmdr. Chris O’Neil said a Coast Guard pollution investigator […]
By David Fogarty, Climate Change Correspondent, AsiaSINGAPORE | Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:25am EDT (Reuters) – Climate change is set to drive the spread of invasive plant and animals species, threatening forests, fisheries and crops, in a double blow to nature and livelihoods, a World Bank-funded report [UPDATE: Archived here: pdf] said on Friday. The […]
Paris (AFP) Oct 18, 2010 – Numbers of juvenile Atlantic tuna at a major spawning site in the Gulf of Mexico probably fell by at least a fifth this year as a result of the BP oil spill, the European Space Agency (ESA) said Monday. The assessment comes from satellite images and data of the […]
By PHUONG LE, Associated Press14 October 2010 NEW ORLEANS — Dead birds are wrapped in foil or paper, then sealed in plastic bags to avoid cross contamination. Dolphin tissue samples and dead sea turtles are kept in locked freezers. Field notebooks are collected and secured. Scientists examining dead animals that were discovered along the Gulf […]
The Associated Press Monday, October 18, 2010, 4:00 PM Six months after the rig explosion that led to the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history, damage to the Gulf of Mexico can be measured more in increments than extinctions, say scientists polled by The Associated Press. In an informal survey, 35 researchers who study […]
By Jaymi Heimbuch in San Francisco, California 18 October 2010 Inspired by Chris Jordan’s photography of birds killed by ingesting plastic, Angela Haseltine Pozzi, artist and Executive Director of Artula Institute, came up with an idea that would put the problem of plastic pollution in perspective. Why not make the issue of birds killed by […]