Pakistan’s fish stocks depleting fast

By Shahid ShahSaturday, March 26, 2011 KARACHI: Pakistan’s fish stocks are depleting at a rate of 15 percent a year, a top exporter said. M Faisal Iftikhar, chairman Pakistan Fisheries Exporters Association (PAKFEA), said that fish stocks were depleting quickly. A fisherman with more than 40 years in the business said no survey of fish […]

Marine mammal deaths from BP Deepwater Horizon disaster vastly underestimated

March 29, 2011 (ScienceBlog) – The Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 devastated the Gulf of Mexico ecologically and economically. However, a new study published in Conservation Letters reveals that the true impact of the disaster on wildlife may be gravely underestimated. The study argues that fatality figures based on the number of recovered animal […]

‘Suicide squads’ paid huge sums to stabilize nuclear reactor – Tepco CEO missing

By David McNeill in Tokyo30 March 2011 Workers at Japan’s stricken nuclear plant are reportedly being offered huge sums to brave high radiation and bring its overheated reactors under control, as plant operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, battles to stop a spreading contamination crisis which could see another 130,000 people forced to leave their […]

Borneo tribes: 30-year regime ‘has destroyed everything’

24 March 2011 (Survival International) – Tribespeople in Sarawak, in the Malaysian part of Borneo, say the 30-year rule of Chief Minister Taib Mahmud has ‘raped’ their land, destroyed their rainforests and brought ‘hardship and suffering’. This Saturday, March 26, will mark Taib Mahmud’s 30th anniversary as head of the rainforest state. Malaysia’s longest-serving Chief […]

Contrails warm the world more than aviation emissions

By Michael Marshall29 March 2011 The innocuous white vapour trails that criss-cross the sky may not be as harmless as they look. In fact, they might have contributed to more global warming so far than all aircraft greenhouse gas emissions put together. High-altitude clouds like cirrus warm the planet by trapping heat. Contrail “cirrus” does […]

Video: Radiation spreading to seawater, soil in Japan

USA Today / AP28 March 2011 TOKYO — Workers at Japan’s damaged nuclear plant raced to pump out contaminated water suspected of sending radioactivity levels soaring as officials warned Monday that radiation seeping from the complex was spreading to seawater and soil. Mounting problems, including badly miscalculated radiation figures and no place to store dangerously […]

Algae and bacteria hogged oxygen after ancient mass extinction, slowing recovery of marine life: Stanford researchers

After the biggest mass extinction in Earth’s history – 250 million years ago – algae and bacteria in the ocean rebounded so fast that they consumed virtually all the oxygen in the sea, slowing the recovery of the rest of marine animals for several million years. BY LOUIS BERGERONMarch 24, 2011 A mass extinction is […]

Hundreds of US coal ash dumps lack regulation

By SHAILA DEWAN6 January 2009 The coal ash pond that ruptured and sent a billion gallons of toxic sludge across 300 acres of East Tennessee in December 2008 was only one of more than 1,300 similar dumps across the United States — most of them unregulated and unmonitored — that contain billions more gallons of […]

Radioactive fallout from Fukushima is comparable to Chernobyl – ‘Iitate has reached a contamination level in which evacuation is necessary’

26 March 2011 (Asahi Shimbun) — Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, crippled by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, has discharged more radiation than the infamous Three Mile Island nuclear plant in the United States, according to calculations by the central government. It has already reached a level 6 serious accident on the […]

Fukushima engineer says he helped cover up flaw at Dai-Ichi reactor no. 4

By Jason Clenfield, Bloomberg22 Mar 2011 One of the reactors in the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant may have been relying on flawed steel to hold the radiation in its core, according to an engineer who helped build its containment vessel four decades ago. Mitsuhiko Tanaka says he helped conceal a manufacturing defect in the $250 […]

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