Mercury on the rise in endangered Pacific seabirds

Contact: Todd Datz, 617.432.8413, tdatz@hsph.harvard.edu18 April 2011 Boston, MA – Using 120 years of feathers from natural history museums in the United States, Harvard University researchers have been able to track increases in the neurotoxin methylmercury in the black-footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes), an endangered seabird that forages extensively throughout the Pacific. The study shows that […]

TEPCO: Radioactive leak into Pacific Ocean was 20,000 times above annual limit

TOKYO, April 21 (Kyodo) — Highly radioactive water that leaked into the Pacific Ocean from the crisis-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in early April contained an estimated 5,000 terabecquerels of radioactive substances, 20,000 times the annual allowable limit for the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday, adding that the leak amounted to 520 tons. […]

3,200 Gulf oil wells unplugged, unprotected

By JEFF DONN, AP National Writer20 April 2011 More than 3,200 oil and gas wells classified as active lie abandoned beneath the Gulf of Mexico, with no cement plugging to help prevent leaks that could threaten the same waters fouled by last year’s BP spill, The Associated Press has learned. These wells likely pose an […]

Video: Inside Japan’s nuclear ‘hot zone’

21 April 2011 (NECN/CNN) – Japan has made it illegal to enter the exclusion zone near the Fukushima Nuclear Plant, but authorities say some people have moved back in, and others have been collecting possessions from their homes. The flashing red lights, the warning signs, faces covered with masks, we are entering a no-go zone. […]

Radiation in Fukushima No. 1 reactor may prevent human entry for several years

April 20 (Asahi Shimbun) – High levels of radiation discovered at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant could disrupt Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s timeline for a cold shutdown of the crippled facility, TEPCO officials acknowledged. On April 18 unexpectedly high levels of radiation were detected in water in the storage pool containing spent fuel […]

Scientists surprised, cautious over environment’s apparent post-oil spill recovery

By Ben Raines, Press-Register 21 April 2011 Researchers contacted by the Press-Register expressed almost uniform surprise at the apparent rebound in nearshore environments a year after 200 million gallons of oil began pouring into the Gulf of Mexico. With the caveat that much remains unknown — and problems could still emerge at any time — […]

Japan agency admits ‘melting’ of nuclear fuel

20 April 2011 (Yomiuri Shimbun) – The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency has reported to a Cabinet Office safety panel that nuclear fuel pellets in the Nos. 1 to 3 reactors at the quake-hit Fukushima power station are believed to have partially melted. The report was the first time the agency, an organ of the […]

Emails reveal BP attempted to manipulate oil spill studies

By Farron Cousins18 April 2011 Emails obtained by Greenpeace last Friday have revealed that BP was actively trying to manipulate studies designed to assess the damage from last year’s oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. In the wake of the disaster, BP created a $500 million fund to study the effects of the oil […]

Doctor warns Japan nuclear workers are at their limit – Work conditions violate their constitutional rights

By ERIC TALMADGE Associated Press 20 Apr 2011 FUKUSHIMA, Japan (AP) – Workers battling the crisis at Japan’s stricken nuclear plant suffer from insomnia, show signs of dehydration and high blood pressure and are at risk of developing depression or heart trouble, a doctor who met with them said Wednesday. The crews have been fighting […]

French nuclear firm: ‘Clearly, we are witnessing one of the greatest disasters in modern times’

Fairewinds Associates Inc. Hi, I’m Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates, and it’s Wednesday, April 6th. In my previous update I talked about the possibility of an inadvertent criticality occurring at Fukushima [Unit] 1. That was based on four things. It was based on a neutron beam being detected thirteen times; it was based on the […]

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