Graph of the Day: Simulated Distribution of Iodine-131 Fallout from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant, 24 March 2011

By arevamirpal::laprimavera 22 May 2011 I mentioned the system called the WSPEEDI simulation system in passing when I wrote about SPEEDI data for the early period of the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident (March 11 onward). The Ministry of Education very quietly put the WSPEEDI simulation data on their webpage for SPEEDI data list on […]

Radioactive sewage sludge and slag in Tokyo

By arevamirpal::laprimavera 22 May 2011 It was big news when the radioactive sewage sludge and slag were found in Fukushima Prefecture earlier this month (see my posts here, here and here). And it is almost no news when the highly radioactive (170,000 becquerels per kilogram) sewage slag was found in TOKYO, and the slag’s been […]

Fukushima nuclear plant: Radioactive water leak into ocean 100 times more than permitted

Reporting by Risa Maeda; Editing by Alex Richardson21 May 2011 TOKYO (Reuters) – A water leak from Japan’s tsunami-crippled nuclear power station earlier this month resulted in about 100 times the permitted level of radioactive material flowing into the sea, operator Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Saturday. TEPCO said the leak discovered on May […]

Thousands of nuclear plant workers suffer internal radiation exposure from visiting Fukushima

May 21 (Mainichi Japan) – The government has discovered thousands of cases of workers at nuclear power plants outside Fukushima Prefecture suffering from internal exposure to radiation after they visited the prefecture, the head of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said. Most of the workers who had internal exposure to radiation visited Fukushima after […]

Photo gallery: Gamma camera views inside Fukushima Daiichi Unit 1 reactor building

On 22 May 2011, TEPCO imaged the inside of Unit 1 with visible light and gamma-ray cameras. Here are a couple of photos from that expedition. Desdemona wonders if the pixel noise in the visible-light images is caused by gamma rays hitting the camera’s image sensor.   Inside the Reactor Building, Unit 1, Fukushima Daiichi […]

Nuclear plant workers release unknown amount of radioactive tritium into Mississippi River

[“Dilution is the solution”.] By Kevin Cooper4 May 2011 PORT GIBSON — An unknown amount of radioactive water was released accidentally into the Mississippi River late last week at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is investigating the incident, but suggests the release poses no public health hazard. Entergy Nuclear, which operates […]

Graph of the Day: Distribution of Radioactive Contamination at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, May 2011

The official TEPCO map of radioactive contamination at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in millisieverts/hour, 20 May 2011. TEPCO / 1000 Millisieverts/Hr Debris Outside Reactor 3 at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant [pdf] Technorati Tags: Fukushima,Japan,Asia,pollution,infrastructure failure

Japan utility head resigns over nuclear crisis

By YURI KAGEYAMA, AP Business Writer 20 May 2011 TOKYO – The president of the Japanese utility that runs a tsunami-devastated nuclear plant resigned in disgrace Friday after reporting the biggest financial losses in company history, saying he was stepping down to take responsibility for the ongoing crisis. Tokyo Electric Power Co. President Masataka Shimizu, […]

Fukushima nuclear workers unsure of internal exposure levels due to equipment shortage – ‘I’ve probably taken in radioactivity while eating’

May 19 (Yomiuri Shimbun) – Nearly two months after the start of the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, only 10 percent of workers there had been tested for internal radiation exposure caused by inhalation or ingestion of radioactive substances, due to a shortage of testing equipment available for them. … A […]

Fresh tales of chaos emerge from early in Fukushima nuclear crisis

By YUKA HAYASHI And PHRED DVORAK18 May 2011 FUKUSHIMA PREFECTURE, Japan—The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant deteriorated in the crucial first 24 hours far more rapidly than previously understood, a Wall Street Journal reconstruction of the disaster shows. So helpless were the plant’s engineers that, as dusk fell after Japan’s devastating March 11 quake and tsunami, […]

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