Graph of the Day: Radiation inside Fukushima Unit 1 Drywell, 21 May 2011 – 12 June 2001

Location:Unit 1 nuclear power plant Fukushima Current values:D / W: two hundred sixty-one Sv / h , S / C: 0.838 Sv / h Radiation inside Reactor No. 1 drywell hits new high of 251 Sieverts per hour Technorati Tags: Fukushima,Japan,Asia,pollution,infrastructure failure

Strontium at 240 times legal limit found in seawater near stricken Fukushima plant

Tokyo, June 12 (DPA) – Radioactive contamination from the stricken nuclear power facility Fukushima has worsened, the operators TEPCO warned Sunday, with probes of groundwater seawater turning up traces of strontium that were 240 times above the allowable maximum limit. Nuclear regulatory authorities reported finding the dangerously radioactive element near the damaged reactors 1 and […]

Japan prefecture tells company to conceal info on radioactive tea leaves because of ‘public anxiety’

Shizuoka, June 10 (KYODO) – Shizuoka Prefecture told a Tokyo-based mail order company not to say anything on its website about excessive radioactive material being found in tea from the prefecture, the retailer said Friday. After Radishbo-ya Co. made an inquiry to the Shizuoka Prefectural Government about the matter Monday, a prefectural official told the […]

Young parents moving away from areas near damaged Fukushima plant – ‘I can’t stop thinking about the power plant’

FUKUSHIMA, June 11 (Mainichi Japan) — Young parents are moving away from towns near the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant as areas of high radiation continue to be discovered, raising fears over the effects on young children. Around 50 kilometers northwest of the power plant is Soma city’s Tamano district, located at the foot […]

Water injection failing to cool Fukushima Unit 4 spent fuel storage pool – Wrecked piping delays new cooling plan

June 12 (NHK) – The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has been forced to reconsider its plan to cool the spent fuel storage pool of the No. 4 reactor. Water injection from a special vehicle has not been intense enough to cool the water in the pool, allowing the temperature to remain […]

Sludge from treating contaminated Fukushima water will contain 100 million becquerels per cubic centimeter of radiation

June 10 (Mainichi Japan) – Sludge that will be generated in the process of treating radioactive water at the tsunami-hit Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant is estimated to contain 100 million becquerels of radioactive substances per cubic centimeter, the plant operator said. Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) made the estimation in a report on […]

Frog faces last stand in Panama against killer fungus – ‘Modern equivalent of extinct dinosaurs’

By Sean Mattson10 June 2011 CERRO SAPO, Panama (Reuters) – The harlequin frog that hops and swims the rocky streams of a damp niche of Toad Mountain in eastern Panama’s dense tropical jungle has probably been on Earth for around 3 million years. Within a few more years, the black-spotted orange-and-white amphibian with dazzling green-tinged […]

Radiation in Japan: Date City in Fukushima to fit kindergartners and school kids with dosimeters

By arevamirpal::laprimavera10 June 2011 They’re going to fit 3-year-olds with dosimeters. If the radiation is such a worry, shouldn’t they evacuate small children out of the city first? Or are they planning something else? From Nikkei Shinbun, quoting Kyodo News (6/10/2011): 福島県伊達市は9日、福島第1原発事故で子供がいる親の不安が高まっているとして、市内の小中学校と幼稚園、保育園に通う児童、生徒、園児約8千人全員に小 型線量計を配布すると発表した。7月上旬にも始める方針。福島県内では、町の一部が計画的避難区域となっている川俣町も小中学生と園児1500人全員に近 く線量計を配布する予定。 Date City in Fukushima Prefecture announced on June 9 that they […]

Radiation in Fukushima Unit 3 reactor too high for work – Basement full of radioactive water

June 10 (NHK) – The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says radiation levels in one of the reactor buildings remain too high for workers to do their jobs. Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, sent 9 workers into the No.3 reactor building for about 20 minutes on Thursday, in a bid to […]

California pumps kill 6 million Sacramento splittail, 50,000 imperiled salmon

Contact: Jeff Miller, (415) 669-7357      June 8, 2011 SAN FRANCISCO— In one of the largest fish kills in California history, new federal data show, the Central Valley Project and State Water Project pumps in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have killed more than 6 million Sacramento splittail in the past six weeks and more than 51,000 […]

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